19 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi



Nike of Samothrace (c.190 BC) 
The statue has been exhibited at the Louvre Museum since 1884

Zeugma Mosaic, Gaziantep, Turkey

Dancer Antonio Canova

Hagia Sophia

1 Ekim 2024 Salı

Elanor 2


Fransa tahtında o sırada Şişman Louis bulunuyormuş. Onun da ilk oğlu Philip attan düşüp ölmüş, aslında kilise hizmetine girmek isteyen ve manastır hayatını tercih eden ikinci oğlu Louis tahta varis olmuş. Bu üç kişinin Elanor Matilda ve Louis’nin hayatları aslında tahta geçecek olan kardeşin ölümüyle değişmiş.

Aquitain Dükü William’ ın ölümü kendisine haber verildiğinde Fransa Kralı önce “Vah, vah” diye üzüntü belirtse de, haberciler çıkınca sevincini gizleyememiş. Adeta başlarına talih kuşu konmuş. Bu büyük dukalığın varisi Elanor ve kız kardeşi Petronilla kendisine emanet edilmiş.

Derhal oğlu Louis’yi beş yüz Şövalye ile yola çıkartıp Elanor’u almaya yollamış. Elanor ve Louis Bordeaux şehrinde Saint- Andre Katedralinde evlendirilmiş. Yapılan anlaşmaya göre babasından kalan dukalık Elanor’un olmaya devam edecek, ancak bir oğlu olur da Fransa tahtına geçerse o zaman Elanor’un toprakları Fransa tahtına katılacakmış. Elanor’un Louis’ ye evlenme hediyesi olarak verdiği kristal vazo bugün Louvre Müzesinde sergileniyor.

Bordeaux dan Aquitain’in başkenti Poitiers’ e geçmişler. Orada Elanor’un sarayında kalmışlar. Louis ’ye Poitou Kontu ve Aquitain Dükü unvanları verilmiş.

Paris’e dönerken yolda Louis’nin babasının ölüm haberi alınmış ve o andan itibaren kocasının kral olmasıyla beraber, Elanor Fransa Kraliçesi ilan edilmiş.

Kader ağlarını çok hızlı bir şekilde örmüş, peş peşe gelen bu ölümlerle çok genç yaşta Louis ile Elanor sorumluluk yüklenmişler.

Ancak aralarında karakter uyuşmazlığı olmuş, Elanor, Aquitain sarayında daha serbest yetişmiş, Paris’ te saray hayatı daha resmi, daha formal o yüzden Kraliçe’den beklentiler daha farklı olmuş. Elanor yeteri kadar ağır başlı bulunmamış, saray halkı ve kilise yetkilileri tarafından arada bir eleştiriliyormuş. Louis Elanor’a ilk görüşte âşık olsa da, Elanor ondan aynı şekilde etkilenmemiş. Arada bir “Kralla mı evlendim papazla mı?” diyormuş.  Çünkü Louis papaz olmak için yetiştirilmiş daha dindar biriymiş. Ne yapalım o kadar kusur kadı kızında da bulunur.


Notre Dame kilisesinin de içinde bulunduğu İle de Cité’deki Cité sarayında oturuyorlarmış. Saray Elanor’un isteklerine göre yenilenmiş. Kardeşi Petronilla da oraya getirilmiş.

Louis’nin annesi de saraydan ayrılıp, yeniden evlenince, ortada kayınvalide sorunu da kalmamış.

Dante’nin Cennet bölümündeki rehberi Bernard Clairvaux vardı, Fransa’nın meşhur din adamı (İlahi Komedya’nın son bölümlerine kadar dayanabilmiş olan arkadaşlar hatırlarlar) o hiç beğenmemiş Elanor’u kılık kıyafet, hal ve davranıştan yüksek not alamamış.

İlerleyen bölümlerde göreceğiz genç çiftin kilise ile arasında sorunlar yaşanacak.

Devamı yarın…



30 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi




e Kralı 1. Henry’nin kızı, Kutsal Roma İmparatoru 5. Henry’nin eşi (sonradan Anjou Kontu Geoffrey’nin eşi) ve İngiltere Kralı 2. Henry’nin annesi) olan  İmparotoriçe Matilda’nın hayat hikayesini anlatmıştım. Ondan sonra gelini Elanor’u anlatmadan olmaz. Orta çağda yaşamış çok renkli bir hayat hikayesi olan Aquitain Düşesi Elanor 1124-1204 yılları arasında yaşamış.

Aquitain bölgesi Fransa’nın güney batısında yer alıyor. Aqua Latince su anlamında. İsminden de anlaşılacağı gibi sulak ve bereketli topraklar. Bordeaux şarapları ve diğer kıymetli ürünler yetişiyor.

Elanor’un babası Aquitain Dükü 10. William. Fransa’nın en zengin adamlarından biriymiş döneminde. On ikinci yüzyılda Fransız Kralı’nın toprakları sadece Paris ve çevresiyle sınırlıydı. Matilda ‘nın hikayesinde gördüğümüz gibi Normandiya ve Anjou Bölgesi İngiliz Krallarının eline geçmişti. Ancak bunlar Normandiya ve Anjou bölgesi için Fransız Kralına bağlıydılar ve vergi veriyorlardı.

Aquitain Dukalığı da aynı şekilde Fransa Kralı’na bağlı idi. Elanor Ailenin büyük kızıydı ondan küçük bir erkek bir de kız kardeşi vardı. Eğlenceli bir saray hayatları, saraylarında bulunan sanatçılar şairler trubadur denilen müzisyenler vardı. İlahi Komedya da İnferno 28. Bölümde adı geçen şair Bertran de Born da bu sarayın müdavimlerindendi. Elanor ile ilgili bilgilerin bir kısmı onun yazdıklarından geliyor.

Elanor iyi bir eğitim görmüştü. Ancak altı yaşındayken hem annesi hem de erkek kardeşi vefat etti.  Bu durumda Elanor babasının varisi oldu. Babası öldüğünde Aquitain Düşesi olacak bütün bu topraklar ona kalacaktı. Matilda gibi erkek kardeşinin ölümüyle varis olmuş ve gelecekte büyük sorumluluk üstleneceği belli olmuştu.

Hem çok güzel hem çok zengin bir aileden gelmesi dolayısıyla ileride kendisine çok kısmetler çıkacağı belliydi. O dönemde kız kaçırma adeti de vardı. Özellikle böyle zengin olan kızlar için, onları kaçırıp topraklarında hak iddia etmek isteyenler olabilirdi. Babası haklı olarak kızlarının geleceği için endişe etti. Kendi ölümü halinde önce Fransa Kralı’nın haberdar edilmesini kızının ve topraklarının ona emanet edilmesini Kral’ın haberi oluncaya kadar da ölümünün gizli tutulmasını istedi.

1137 yılında Aquitain Dükü William kızlarını Bordeaux Piskoposuna emanet ederek İspanya’nın kuzeyinde bulunan Compostela’ya, İspanya’nın koruyucu azizi olarak bilinen Yakup’un mezarını ziyarete gitti ve bu yolculukta vefat etti.

Hemen Bordeaux Piskoposuna ve ondan sonra da Fransa kralına haber göndermek için atlılar koşturuldu.

Elanor bu sırada 13 yaşında bulunuyordu.

Devamı yarın…

Aquitain Bölgesi


23 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

Matilda'nın Hayatı Beşinci Bölüm


Biraz ara verdik ama unutmadık Matilda ’yı. Televizyonlarını yeni açan arkadaşlarımız için biraz özet geçelim.

İsimler hep aynı olduğu için karışıyor. Almanca kökenli Matilda ismi Savaşta kuvvetli anlamına geliyormuş. Kendisi de tarihe She wolf- dişi kurt olarak geçmiş. Kadınlarda bu isim, erkeklerde ise hep William veya Henry.

Matilda 1102-1167 yılları aramış, İngiltere kralı 1. Henry’nin kızı, İngiltere fatihi William ‘ın torunu, Alman Kralı Henry’nin eşi, İngiltere kralı 2. Henry’nin de annesi.

Küçük yaşta Alman sarayına gelin gitmiş. Kral Kutsal Roma İmparatoru olarak taç giydiğinde Matilda İmparatoriçe olmuş, kocasının ölümü üzerine İngiltere’ye dönmüş, erkek kardeşi William ın zamansız ölümüyle tahtın varisi olmuş.

Baronlar Henry’nin ölmesi halinde kızı Matilda’ ya bağlı kalacaklarına dair yemin etmişler. Halktan bazı kişiler kadın hükümdar olmayacağı gerekçesiyle karşı çıkmışlar.

Erkek torun özlemiyle babası Matilda’yı ikinci defa evlendirmiş. İlk evliliğinden Matilda’nın çocuğu olmamıştı. Anjou Kontu Geoffrey ile evlendirilen Matilda’nın zaman içinde üç oğlu olmuş.

Babası Henry’nin ölümü üzerine Fransa’daki topraklarından İngiltere’ye gitmek için harekete geçtiyse de hem o sıra üçüncü çocuğa hamile oluşu hem de Normandiya da çıkan isyanlar sebebiyle ilerleyemeyip evinden uzakta bir başka şatoda kalmış

Bu arada halasının oğlu Steven tahtı ele geçirmiş kendisine taraftar toplamış. Steven’ın kardeşi de başpiskopos olduğu için kilise kendisini destekliyormuş.

Matilda kendisine bağlı şövalyelerle Manş denizini geçip Steven’a karşı harekete geçmesiyle İngiltere Fatihi William ın iki torunu arasında taht mücadelesi başlamış, İngilizlerin Anarşi ismini verdikleri 20 yıl sürecek iç savaş çıkmıştı.

Bir ara üstünlüğü ele geçirdiğinde Westminster kilisesinde törenle kraliçe olmak istemiş ama halk toplanıp protesto edince bu emelini gerçekleştirememişti. İngiltere Kraliçesi yerine Lady of The English unvanı verildi kendisine.

Londra’da yaşanan karışıklıklardan sonra, kaçıp Oxford kalesine saklanmak zorunda kalmıştı.


Beşinci Bölüm


Matilda Oxford kalesine kaçmıştı ama durum çok karışıktı. Kimin kimi desteklediği belli değildi. Daha evvel Matilda’nın taraftarı olanlar şimdi Steven’dan yana oluyorlardı. Steven’ın eşi İngiltere Kraliçesi Matilda hala savaşıyor, tahtı İmparatoriçe Matilda’ya bırakmak istemiyordu.

Sonunda karlı bir kış günü Oxford Kalesi sarıldı. O kaleyi almak kolay değildi. Steven kendisini uzun bir kuşatmaya hazırladı. Matilda kamuflaj olarak beyazlar giydi, etrafındakilere de beyazlar giydirdi, gece gizlice kaleden kaçtı. Kaledeki askerler sabaha teslim olacaklardı.

Matilda Wiltshire da bir başka kaleye çekildi. Evvelce Steven’ ın elinde olan toprakları aldı. Paralı askerler tuttu. Steven’ ın yönetiminden memnun olmayanlar onun yanına koştu.

Şimdi artık iki taraf da birbirini yenemiyordu.

Matilda’nın eşi Anjou Kontu Geoffrey de 1144 yılında Normandiya da savaşıyordu. Sonunda bütün isyanları bastırarak, Normandiya’nın tamamına hâkim oldu.  Fransa kralı onu Normandiya Dükü olarak kabul etti.

 İngiltere ise güç dengesi sürekli değişiyor zaman zaman Matilda üstün duruma gelse de bir müddet sonra durum Steven’ ın lehine dönüyordu.

Bu arada İkinci Haçlı seferi başlamış Matilda taraftarlarından bazıları bu sefere katılmak üzere ayrılmıştı.

Şövalyeler, lordlar barış olsun istiyordu. Matilda ’nın kaldığı Devizes Şatosunda kilise hak ilan ediyor, Matilda şatoyu kiliseye vermezse kendisini aforoz edeceklerini söylüyordu.

Bunun üzerine bir anlaşma yapma vakti geldi. Matilda büyük oğlu Henry’yi İngiltere de bırakarak kendisi Normandiya’nın başkenti Rouen’e’ e geri dönmeyi kabul etti.

Geoffrey 1151 yılında ölünce, Henry Normandiya ve Anjou bölgesinin topraklarının sahibi oldu.

1153 yılında, Kilisenin de araya girmesiyle Matilda ‘nın Rouen’ de kalmasına, Steven’ ın krallığının devamına ancak tahtın varisi olarak Matilda ‘nın oğlu Henry’ nin atanmasına karar verildi.

O sırada Normandiya da gene isyanlar çıktı. Matilda o isyanları bastırdı.

1154’te Steven ölünce, Matilda’nın uğruna bunca sene savaştığı istekleri gerçekleşti, oğlu İngiltere Kralı oldu. Ailenin durumu güçlendiği için Normandiya’ daki isyanlarda sona erdi.

Artık İngiltere Kralı Normandiya Dükü ve Anjou Kontu olarak, Manş denizinin iki yakasında geniş bir alanda Henry’nin saltanatı başlamıştı. Aile bundan sonra Angevin Dynasty- Anjou Hanedanı veya aile simgeleri sarı çiçeğin Latince ismi dolayısıyla Plantegenest Hanedanı olarak anılacaktı.


17 Eylül 2024 Salı

Matilda'nın Hayatı- Dördüncü Bölüm


Lincoln, İngiltere

Henry’nin ölümü üzerine hem İngiltere hem de Normandiya’da karışıklıklar çıkmıştı. Aynı zamanda Geoffrey’de kendi memleketi Anjou ’da çıkan isyanlarla başa çıkmaya çalışıyordu.

Henry’nin evlilik dışı çok sayıda çocuğu bardı. Bunlardan Gloucester dükü Robert, baba bir anne ayrı kız kardeşi Matilda ’ya destek veriyordu. Onun da hem İngiltere’de hem Normandiya da toprakları vardı.

Matilda ‘nın halasının oğullarından Teobald Normandiya da kendisini kral ilan etti. O sırada Steven da İngiltere de kendisini kral olarak kabul ettirmeyi başarmıştı. Steven’ın haberi gelince Teobald a olan destek azaldı. Artık iki kutup vardı Matilda ve Steven.

Matilda kocası Geoffrey ile Anjou daki isyanları bastırıp Normandiya’ ya ilerledi. Alabildikleri kadar toprak alıp, yağmalayabildikleri kadar mal yağmaladılar.

Kilise Steven’a destek veriyordu. Matilda Papa ya haber yolladıysa da sonuç alamadı. İngilizlerin anarşi adını verdikleri iç savaş dönemi başlamıştı. Matilda ‘nın Normandiya’da hakimiyeti sağlayıp da İngiltere ye geçmesi 1139 yılını bulmuştu.

Matilda kardeşi Robert ın desteğiyle güneyden kuzeni David de İskoçya’ dan saldırmaya başladılar.

Steven ın eşinin adı da Matilda’ydı o da Steven a destek olmak için gemilerle Dover’ a gidip Robert ‘a karşı savaştı. O dönemde kadınlar siyasetin ve savaşın içindeydi.

Robert Normandiya da kalıp, Matilda ve Geoffrey’nin kendi kuvvetleriyle İngiltere’ye geçmesini bekledi. Bu arada Steven’ın eşi Kraliçe Matilda Dover’i almıştı.

Uzun bir mücadeleden sonra Lincoln savaşını kazanan Matilda 1141 yılında İngiltere Kraliçesi olarak taç giymek üzere Londra’ya geldi. Tören Westminster Kilisesinde yapılacaktı. Steven Bristol kalesine hapsedilmek üzere gönderildi. Ancak Robert’ta esir düştüğü için Matilda Steven’ın Robert karşılığında serbest bırakılmasını kabul etti.

Hazine Matilda ‘ya teslim edildi ama savaşlar yüzünden pek bir para kalmamıştı. Steven’ın tacı vardı sadece.

Kilise yetkilileri toplandı. Matilda’ya “Lady of England and Normandy” unvanı verildi. 24 Haziran da Westminster Kilisesinde yapılması planlanan taç giyme töreni gerçekleşemedi. Matilda Londra’ya gelmişti ama anlaşılan halk onu değil Steven’ı tutuyor ve başlarına bir kadın hükümdar istemiyordu.

Birdenbire büyük bir isyan patladı. Matilda son anda canını kurtarıp Oxford’a kaçtı. İngiltere Kraliçesi olamamıştı.



16 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

Matilda'nın Hayatı Üçüncü Bölüm


Lyons la Forét- 1. Henry'nın Fransa'da öldüğü yer

Evlendiklerinde Matilda 25 Geoffrey 13 yaşındaymış. Matilda bu evliliği istemedi ama ölen kardeşi William ile Geoffrey nin kız kardeşi nişanlanmış bu iki hanedan arasında anlaşmalar yapılmış vaktiyle. William ölünce bu anlaşma yarım kalmıştı. Matilda ‘nın kocası da öldüğüne ve memleketine geri döndüğüne göre Geoffrey ile evlendirilebilirdi.

 Babası Henry bu arada başka bir kadınla evlenmiş (Matilda ‘nın annesi de ölmüştü) başka bir oğlu olur diye beklemişti. Olmayınca tek çare Matilda ’yı Geoffrey ile evlendirmek diye düşündü. Başpiskopos da bu evliliği destekledi. Matilda yı ikna etmeye çalıştı. Matilda’ ya babası çeyiz olarak Normandiya’da şatolar verdi ve evlilik gerçekleşti.

O zamanlar Haçlı Seferleri başlamış, Orta Doğu’yu yağmalamaya Viking lideri Rollo’nun soyundan gelip de Fransa’ya yerleşen orada kont olan bu savaşçılar herkesten evvel koşmuştu. Geoffrey ’nin babası Anjou Kontu 5. Fulk, Kudüs kralı olmuş kendi kontluğunu da oğlu Geoffrey’e bırakmıştı.

Matilda ’da mutlu olmadı, İngiltere’ye geri döndü ama tekrar anlaşma sağlandı ikna edildi, gene kocasının yanına Fransa’ya geçti. 1133 de ilk oğlu Henry doğdu. Babası çok sevindi Rouen’e gelip bebeği gördü. İlerde tahta geçecek olan torun doğmuştu.

 Geoffrey ismini verdikleri ikinci oğlunun doğumu çok zor oldu. Matilda kendisinin öleceğini düşünerek gömüleceği yeri babasına vasiyet etti ama kurtuldu neyse ki.

Bu ikinci çocuktan sonra Matilda orada kendisine verilen birkaç şatoyla yetinmeyerek, Normandiya’nın tamamen kendisine verilmesini istedi. Böylelikle oğlunun geleceğini teminat altına almak istiyordu. Ama babası kabul etmedi. Geoffrey e güvenmiyor kendi sağlığında Normandiya’ yı vermek istemiyordu.

Baba kızın araları açıldı. O arada isyan çıkmıştı Matilda isyancılardan yana oldu. Bu kargaşa devam ederken kral 1. Henry beklenmedik bir şekilde öldü.

Matilda o arada üçüncü çocuğuna hamile olmasına rağmen, hem Anjou daki isyanlarla mücadele etti hem de Normandiya’yı tamamen ele geçirmeye çalıştı. Kral’ın ölümü üzerine her yerde isyanlar çıkıyordu. Bazı kuzenleri ve bazı baronlar Matilda ‘yı destekliyorlardı.

Matilda ’nın halasının oğlu Stefan o sırada Bolonya da bulunuyordu. Tahtı ele geçirmek için derhal İngiltere’ye hareket etti.

Stefan’ın kardeşi de Wincester piskoposuydu, kilise Stefan’ı destekledi.

Stefan Westminster Kilise’ sinde 22 Aralık 1135 de taç giydi. (Bugün bildiğimiz Westminster Abbey sonradan yapılmış bu onun yerindeki eski kilise)

Böylece İngiltere Fatihi 1. William’ın iki torunu arasında büyük mücadele başlamış oldu.


Resim: Fransa'nın Montagu le mans bölgesi- burada bir yerde evlenmiş Geoffrey ile.



15 Eylül 2024 Pazar

Matilda'nın Hayatı İkinci Bölüm


William’ın 1066 yılında İngiltere’yi işgal etmesi ve aynı sene İngiliz Kralı olarak tahta geçmesiyle birlikte aynı hanedan hem İngiltere’nin hem de Normandiya’nın hâkimi olmuştu. William topraklarını ayırarak ii oğlu arasında paylaştırdıysa da Henry kardeşlerini alt ederek yeniden her iki yakaya da hâkim olmuştu. İki tarafı da birden idare ediyor, Normandiya ile İngiltere arasında gidip geliyordu. Matilda’nın kendinden bir yaş küçük erkek kardeşi William da babasıyla birlikte Normandiya ya gitmişti, geri dönüşlerinde ayrı ayrı gemilerle yola çıktılar. Kral’ın gemisi hareket ettikten sonra William ve adamları içmeye ve eğlenmeye devam ettiler.

Yola çıkmaya karar verdiklerinde bütün gemi mürettebatı da dahil olmak üzere herkes sarhoştu. Gemi Normandiya açıklarında kayalıklara çarpıp battı. Tahtın veliahdı olan ve evlilik birliği içinde doğmuş olan tek oğlunun öldüğü krala söylenemedi. Sonunda bir genç çocuğu kralın önüne doğru ittirdiler o korkarak kekeleyerek kötü haber verdi.

Bu olay tarihe Beyaz Gemi Faciası olarak geçti. Sonraki devlet adamları hiçbir geminin batışı İngiltere’nin başına bu kadar bela açmadı dediler.

Taht vârissiz kaldı.

1225 yılında Alman İmparatoru ölünce, Matilda ülkesine geri döndü. Babası baronları toplayıp kendi ölümünden sonra tahtını kızına bırakacağını söyleyerek onlardan Matilda’ya bağlılık yemini etmelerini istedi. Bu görülmemiş bir şeydi. “Hükümdarlık babadan oğula geçer ama babadan kıza geçmez” dediler. Yemin etmek istemediler ama mecburen o yemini ettiler.

Ingilizce’de Queen kelimesi Kral’ın eşi anlamındaydı ve bir kadının kendi başına kraliçe olması pek akla sığmıyordu o dönemde.

Gene de bir erkek çocuğu garanti etmek için Henry kızını bir kez daha evlendirmeye karar verdi. Bu sefer damat olarak Anjou kontu olan Geoffrey’i seçti damat olarak.

Geoffrey’ nin memleketi Anjou Normandiya nın güneyinde yer alıyordu Arada kalan küçük Maine bölgesini zaten Normandiyalılar ele geçirmişti. Şimdi bu komşu kontlukla aralarında evlilik dolayısıyla akrabalık kurmakla ilerde imparatorluğu daha da geliştirme şansı doğmuş olacaktı.

Matilda yakışıklı Geoffrey diye bilinen ancak kendisinden yaşça küçük olan Anjou Kontuyla babasının emriyle evlendi. Artık unvanlarına bir de Anjou kontesi eklendi. Ancak bu unvanı kullanmadı. Yaşamı boyunca İmparatoriçe Matilda, İngiltere Kralı’nın kızı denmesini tercih etti.

Devamı var.



14 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi



Matilda ismi Almanca Mahthildis’den geliyor. Maht  kuvvet kudret; hild  savaş, muharebe anlamında. İkisi bir arada savaşta kuvvetli anlamına geliyor. Bu isim, Orta çağda asil aileler arasında çok kullanılmış. Dün William the Conqueror’ dan bahsetmiştim. Onun Bayeaux işlemelerini yardımcılarıyla birlikte yapan eşinin ismi de Matilda’ ydı. Aynı şekilde oğlu Henry’nin eşi ve torunu da Matilda ismini almış.

Bugün torun Matilda’ dan bahsedeceğim.

William’ın dördüncü oğlu Henry, babasının ölümü üzerine, diğer kardeşleriyle yaşadığı taht mücadelesinden sonra, 1100 yılında tahta çıkmayı başarmış. William aslında Normandiya’yı bir oğluna İngiltere krallığını da diğer oğluna bırakmıştı. Henry bu kardeş kavgalarından sonra her iki tarafıda ele geçirerek, babası gibi hem Normandiya Dükü hem de İngiltere kralı oldu. İskoçya sarayında Matilda ile evlendi. Bu evlilikten iki çocukları oldu birisi Matilda birisi de William.

William ve Henry isimleri de kraliyet ailesinde çok kullanılmış, Prenses Diana’nın iki oğlu Prens William ve Prens Henry’ye gelinceye kadar. Ayrıca Alman ve Fransız saraylarında da Henry çok.

Henry’nin pek çok kadınla ilişkisi ve çok sayıda çocuğu da vardı. Eşi Matilda (Matilda of Scotland) Westminster’ da kalıp hem çocuklarıyla hem de devlet işleriyle yakından ilgilendi,Henry ise çeşitli savaşlar kendi topraklarında güveni sağlamak ve çapkınlıklar dolayısıyla devamlı Londra dışında hareketli bir hayat yaşadı.

Bu girişten sonra esas konumuz “torun” Matilda’ ya gelelim. İngiliz Sarayının prensesi olarak 1102 de doğan bu çocuğa ilk kısmeti sekiz yaşındayken çıktı. Alman Kralı 5. Henry haber göndererek Matilda ile evlenmek istedi. O zaman kilise kanunlarına göre en erken evlenme yaşı 12 idi. Hanedan evliliklerinde küçük yaşta iki aile arasında anlaşmayla kızlar küçük yaşta evlendirilip, müstakbel kocasının memleketine gönderiliyordu. Tamamen mali ve siyasi sebeplerle yapılan bu anlaşmalarla, evlenecek gençlerin geleceği kendilerine sorulmadan belirleniyordu. Saraylarda yetişen prenseler eğitim bakımından şanslıydılar. Erkekler ise, kitap okuma, ders çalışma, lisan öğrenme gibi faaliyetlerden çok avcılık, savaş sanatları, binicilik, kılıç kullanma mızrak atma gibi beceriler kazanmak istiyorlardı. Gelecekteki savaşlara hazırlanmak başarılı bir savaşçı olmak daha önemliydi.

Kızları evlendirirken yüklü bir çeyiz parası veya toprak veriliyordu damada. Alman Kralı daha çok bu para için istedi evlenmeyi, kendisine verilecek 10.000 markı Roma seferi ve İmparatorluk tacını elde etmek için kullanacaktı. Matilda’ nın babası 1. Henry de bu hanedanla akrabalık kurup, kendi krallığını daha önemli bir hale getirmek istedi.

Matilda daha sekiz yaşındayken Almanya’ya Trier Başpiskoposu Bruno’nun himayesi altında yaşamaya gönderildi. Orada kilise eğitimi alacak, Almancayı öğrenecek, ilerde gelin olacağı sarayın adetlerine göre yetiştirilecekti. Daha o yaşta Alman Kraliçesi olarak taç giydi.

Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu’nun İtalya da toprakları vardı, Papa’yla nesiller boyu süren anlaşmazlıkları, sürekli çıkan isyanlar, İtalya’daki hakimiyetlerini koruma çabası 5. Henry’yi meşgul ediyordu.

Papa Henry’yi aforoz edince Henry ve Matilda İtalya ya gittiler. Papa kaçmak zorunda kaldı. Papa ve Kutsal Roma İmparatorları arasındaki bu güç mücadelesi komik denecek şekilde sürüyordu bütün orta çağ boyunca. Papa İmparatoru aforoz ediyor İmparator ordusuyla İtalya’ya doğru hareket edince geri adım atmak zorunda kalıyordu.

İmparatorlar da Roma da taç giyip kendi hükümranlıklarına dini bir hava vermek, durumlarını daha da sağlamlaştırmak istiyorlardı. Hem otoritelerini doğrudan tanrıdan aldıklarını iddia ediyor hem de dini Papa tarafından kutsanıp halk nezdinde itibarlarını arttırmak istiyorlardı.

Papa kaçınca St. Peter Bazilikasında başka bir yetkili Marcel Bruno tarafından icra edilen törenle Henry ve Matilda İmparator ve İmparatoriçe olarak taç giydiler.

Almanya da kral diğer Prens aileleri arasından seçildiği (Elektoral prensler) ve bu aileler arasında büyük bir rekabet olduğu için Papa’nın desteğiyle imparator unvanını almak ve kullanmak onlar için çok önemliydi. (Bizdeki gibi babadan oğula veya hanedanın büyük evladına geçen bir sistem yoktu, seçilmeleri gerekiyordu)

Bir sonraki papa 2. Callixtus, daha sonra, Roma’ da bu seremoniyi icra eden Marcel Bruno’yu  aforoz ederek, kilisedeki görevinden uzaklaştırıp, hapse attı. Matilda ve Henry’nin giydikleri imparatorluk tacı tartışmalı kaldı ama Matilda hayatı boyunca bu unvanı taşıdı ve bu evliliğin başından beri devlet işleriyle yakından ilgilendi.

1118 de Henry başka isyanları bastırmak için Almanya’ya geri dönünce Matilda Henry’yi temsilen İtalya’da kalıp bu ülkeyi idare etmeye devam etti, 1119 da geri Matilda da Almanya ya gitti.

Bu evlilikten çocukları olmadı. Kilise, “günah işlediğinizden dolayı çocuğunuz” olmuyor dedi.

1125 de İmparator kanserden ölünce, rakibi olan Lothair yeni kral seçildi ve Matilda kendi ülkesine dönmek zorunda kaldı. 8 yaşında geldiği Almanya’dan 23 yaşında genç bir kadın, bir eski imparatoriçe olarak geri dönüyordu.

Devamı yarın…






12 Eylül 2024 Perşembe

İngiltere Fatihi William ve meşhur Bayeaux İşlemesi


Rollo’nun soyundan gelen William Norman Dükü Robert’in oğluydu. Birden cok kadınla evlenme ve evlilik dışı ilişkiler sürdürme adeti Vikinglerde vardı. Bir eşi İskandinav kökenli diğeri Fransız veya İngiliz olanlarda vardı yaşadıkları yere göre. Bazısının bizim padişahlar gibi köle statüsünde olan kadınlarla da ilişkileri vardı. Bu sebeple çok sayıda çocukları oluyordu. William’ ın babası Robert Constantinople üzerinden Kudüs’e ziyaret etmeye karar verdi. O devirde Normanlar arasında Kudüs’e hacca gitmek adeti yaygınlaşmıştı. Bizanslılar Normanların gelişinden çok da hoşlanmıyorlardı. Belki savaşçı yağmacı bir ırk olmalarından dolayı olabilir.

Robert yola çıktığında William yedi- sekiz yaşındaydı. Robert giderken yolda başına bir şey gelirse oğlunun tahta geçmesi garanti olsun diye baronlarına William a bağlılık yemini ettirdi. Robert hac ziyaretinden dönüştü İstanbul a varamadan İznik’te rahatsızlanarak öldü.( O zamanki adı Nicae)

Baronlar William ın yaşının küçük olması ve Robert in William ın annesiyle resmen evli olmayışı dolayısıyla onun liderliğini kabul etmek istemediler. Bazısı da çocuğu dük olarak kabul edip kendileri idare etmek istediler. William kendisini kabul ettirmek için bir mücadele verdi. Büyüdükçe çıkan isyanları bastırdı. Komşuları Flander (Flandra- günümüzde Belçika’nın Kuzey Denizi kıyısında yer alıyor) Kontu’ nun kızıyla evlenerek gücünü arttırdı Yine Normandiya bölgesinin komşusu Maine bölgesini topraklarına kattı 1060 lı yıllarda İngiltere’ deki taht kavgalarından ve o sırada tahtta bulunan Edward’ ın çocuksuz olmasından yararlanarak İngiltere tahtında hak iddia etmeye başladı.

1066 yılında Edward’ın ölümü üzerine adayı işgal ederek aynı yılın Noel’inde İngiltere kralı Birinci William olarak taç giydi.

Böylece aynı hanedan hem İngiltere’yi hem de Normandiya yı idare etmeye başladı. İngiltere Kralı olarak Fransız Kralı ile eşit mevkide, Normandiya Dükü olarak kralın hizmetindeydi.

İngiltere de yeni kaleler inşa ettirdi. Normanları getirerek ülkede yeni bir asiller zümresi oluşturdu. Saray dili Fransızca oldu. Kilise’ye piskopoz atamaları yaptı.

1028 yılında doğan William 1087 yılında öldü.

William Kardeşleriyle

William'ın eşi Matilda ve yardımcıları tarafından yapıldığı sanılan Bayeux İşlemesi (Bayezux Tapestry) 70 metre ölçüsünde duvara asılan büyük bir kilimdir. O devirden kalan en önemli sanat eseri ve William ın hayatının resmedildiği önemli bir tarihi belgedir. Aslı Aslı Fransa'nın Bayeux kentindeki Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux da sergilenmektedir.

Görseller Bayezux işlemesinden alınmıştır.

İngilter'yi işgale hazırlanan Normanlar şarap ve silahlarını taşıyorlar

Hastings Savaşı


 Stem stitch ya da back stitch denilen arka dikiş tekniğiyle yapılmış ince işleme

Halley's Comet
Bu kuyruklu yıldızın o sene görülmesi Avrupa'da heyecan yaratmış, başlarına kötü birşey geleceğini düşünmüşler. Hasting savaşıyla aynı zamana denk gelen bu olay, Harold için hezimet, William için zafer habercisi olmuş

Battle of Hastings



Çocukken, filmlerde çizgi romanlarda görüp de bir masal kahramanı olarak düşündüğümüz sarı saçlı mavi gözlü boylu poslu kuvvetli Viking savaşçıları aslında gerçekti ve sekizinci yüzyıldan başlayarak on birinci yüzyıl sonuna kadar Avrupa’ya korku yaymıştı. Denizcilikte çok başarılı olan Vikingler, İskandinav ülkelerinden büyük gemilerle gelip İngiltere, İrlanda ve Fransa kıyılarına baskınlar yapıyor, daha küçük teknelerle ırmaklara girerek Avrupa içlerine kadar iniyor yağmalayıp geri dönüyor, kız kaçırıyor, köle olarak aldıkları insanları başka ülkelere satıyorlardı.


885 yılının Kasım ayında Seine nehrinden girerek Paris’e kadar gelip şehri kuşattılar. Aylarca süren kuşatmadan sonra Kral Charles (Charles the Fat -Şişman Charles 881-887 yılları arasında kral olmuştu) geldiyse de bunlarla savaşmayıp, ırmaktan ilerlemelerine müsaade etti. Kendisi Monmarte'da askerleriyle birlikte bekledi. O sırada  Burgundy şehrinde ayaklanma vardı kral bunu bastırmak istiyordu ve Vikinglerin oraya gidip yağmalamaları işine geldi. Ayrıca Paris i yağmalamadan  çekip gitmeleri için yüklü bir miktarda gümüş vermeyi de vaat etti. Dönüşte vaadini tutup gümüşleri verdi 

İle de Cité

Paris in savunma açısından coğrafi özelliği bugün Notre Dame katedralinin üzerinde bulunduğu İle de Cité denilen adadan geliyor. Bu adadan kıyıya yapılan köprülerle gemi trafiğini kapatıp geçişlere mâni olmak mümkün. Bu uzun süren kuşatmada hem halk hem de Vikingler zorluk çekmişti, hastalıklar yayılmıştı. Kralın bu şekilde davranması halkı da kızdırdı. Ondan sonraki zamanlarda insanlar hep kendi şehirlerini nasıl koruyacaklarını düşünür oldular.

Vikingler 911 yılında hem Chartes şehrine hem de yeniden Paris’e saldırdılar. Artık bu savaşlardan bıkan Fransızlar artık Vikinglerle bir anlaşma yapmaya karar verdiler. Buna göre Vikingler Normandiya bölgesinde şimdiye kadar aldıkları yerleri koruyacak, Hristiyan olacak, Krala bağlılık yemini edecek ve bir daha kralın topraklarına saldırmayacaklardı. Dönemin Kralı 3..Charles (Charles  the Simple- 898 922 yılları arasında hüküm sürmüştür) bu yüzden çağdaşları tarafından eleştirilmiş, “Niye ülkeni koruyamadın da, bu vahşi paganların yerleşmesine izin verdin?” denilmiştir.

 Vikinglere kuzeyli anlamında Northmen veya Norsemen deniyordu. Normandiya bölgesi de adını bu kuzeylilerden aldı. Zamanla Rouen şehri Normanların başkenti oldu. Rollo Hristiyan olunca Robert ismini aldı. Vikingler yerli halkla karışarak Fransızca konuşmaya başladılar.

Rollo kralın izniyle, Norman Dükü oldu ve bölgedeki diğer Vikinglerin Fransa kralına saldırmayacağına dair söz verdi, onların da lideri oldu. Anlaşmaya göre Kralın kızı Gisela ile de evlendi.

Rollo 860 ile 933 yılları arasında yaşamış, doğum tarihi tahmini olarak hesaplanıyor. Onun soyundan gelen William, ileride 1066 yılında İngiltere’yi fethedecek, İ İngiliz tarihini değiştirecek ve William the Conqueror- İngiltere Fatihi olarak anılacaktı.

Rouen Katedrali -Ressam David Roberts

26 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

Aznavour Defeated

 The Tired Warrior by Kemal Tahir

Translated by Elif Erkmen

Chapter 14

There was thunder and lightning until midnight and drizzle after that.

Jamil and Munir were sitting under the walnut tree against the wall. They had their raincoats draped over themselves and their rifles.

Hidden away from the road, their animals were some twenty feet behind them; breathing heavily and nervously moving their heads; there were heavy machine guns a hundred feet away that were firing into the darkness in intervals.

Earlier, six hundred men had come from Bilejik to Bursa; their initial numbers were higher but four hundred men deserted on the way. The troops rested a bit then they continued their way to the newly established Beshevler Front to join the units fighting against Anzavour. The Commanders at the Division Headquarters were hoping for a quiet night, however, they were disturbed by the news of deserters in the evening. This time the Battalion revolted, they even drew guns on their Officers. While they were approaching Bursa, about two kilometers from the city they saw the women coming down the road. The women were yelling, “Brothers, Where are you going? Are you going to fire on the Muslims? These Gavour Officers are making you revolt against the Caliph! You will be Gavour as well if you obey those orders!”

The Nationalists were twenty-three men altogether, most of them Officers and Sergeants; they were guarding Bursa from a possible attack from the deserted soldiers who had gone in the Mudanya direction. They feared the deserted soldiers may return and plunder Bursa. The forces back at the headquarters were not more than that number either. The bridges and the neighborhoods of Bursa were being guarded by the Defence Association members and the citizens.

Upon hearing the heavy machine guns rapid fire, Jamil laughed nervously. “I am laughing at how Farouk is using the machine gun; he opens fire every five minutes and fires five bullets precisely.”

Munir answered, “Don’t be surprised. We are the experts at this; firing into the darkness. You should be surprised at the others; they are six hundred men with rifles and they are afraid of us! They can’t gather up the courage to come here.”

“There is also a possibility that they might have joined Anzavour.”

“That’s right! Where do you suppose Anzavour is? Do we have any fresh news of him?”

“We don’t have any good information. All we hear are rumors; he is coming; he is approaching; he is preparing for a sudden attack; he is going to win; he is hanging the Officers as he is approaching; he has encircled Bursa already…and so on,” Jamil answered.

“The plunderers in Bursa are worrying more than us,” Munir observed. “They are anxious. Where do you suppose Ethem the Circassian is at this moment?”

“He is coming from the Salihli direction. We don’t know exactly where he is. Some say he was scared and backed away and some say he is fighting against Gavour Imam, who is supporting Anzavour. There are rumors that they are fighting a bitter fight.”

Jamil’s horse must have been getting angry because of the constant rain. The animal was breathing heavily and digging at the ground. Jamil yelled but the animal didn’t calm down so he jumped to his feet, got his rifle, and went to see what was going on. He descended to the ditch of the road that was going in the Bursa direction. He hunched over and stopped every once in a while to listen to the noises coming from that direction.

He heard footsteps on the muddy road and whistled so that Shaban could recognize him, then he held his breath and listened. He couldn’t figure out how many people were coming so he went farther in the ditch and hid behind the blackberry bushes. He directed his rifle towards the road. “Who are you? Tell me the password!” Whoever was approaching didn’t answer. “Password! Or I will shoot you!”

“My friend, I don’t know the password; I am looking for Captain Jamil.”

Jamil couldn’t hear the last words well; Farouk was firing his gun. “Don’t come any nearer. Tell me who you are!”

“I am looking for Captain Jamil!”

“Wait over there! What is your name?”

“Nuri Gonen! Major Nuri Gonen!”

“Hello, Sir! What brings you here in the middle of the night?” Jamil asked. He was still hiding in the shade, just to be sure. “Is there something the matter?”

“I am coming over there, Jamil. Wait a minute. I am tired.” Major Nuri was walking in the middle of the muddy road with difficulty. He had his rifle across his shoulder like a new recruit and breathing heavily. “I was walking fast without meaning to,” he smiled like a child. “God I am tired.”

“Why did you come? Why did you come all alone? It is dangerous.”

“I thought I should come to see you right away.”

“Why hasn’t Shaban accompanied you?”

“I didn’t ask him to accompany me.”

“What happened?”

“Maybe it is not that important, but…”


“I woke up and noticed that Osman wasn’t in his bed. I worried so I got up and got dressed.” Nuri explained.

“Did Osman leave as well? I think he must have left when he heard the news of the second Battalion breaking up.”

“You guessed right! He went away! What happened to the Battalion?”

“Nothing. So Osman left! Did he tell anyone where he was going?”

“Who knows? His horse was saddled at all times; he jumped on it and went away. He said to the Sergeant that he was going to gather the gang together and come back with them. Do you think he will be back?”

“He might come back…after the commotion is over.”

 “I don’t think so! I know Osman. He is no coward!”

As Jamil and Nuri were talking, they came near Dr. Munir; he put his rifle back under the blanket and asked, “Who is not a coward? Who are you talking about?”

“Osman the Butcher.”

“What happened to him?”

Jamil laughed nervously, “He was unable to sleep so he got up and asked for his horse…”

“You are kidding!”

“I am serious!”

“Did he say he was going to go ambush Anzavour?”

“Hmm…It must be something like that. He went to gather his gang.”

“I guessed correctly then. His gang was mixed; there were all kinds of people from Crete, Kavala, Kars, and Erzurum! If he went to gather them from all those places he would come back in time, no doubt, before the action starts! So the Major came here to bring us the news? Did Osman ask you to come here, Sir?”

“No, Doctor. I wanted to come to be together with friends tonight; one more rifle will help in the dark!”

“God Bless you!” Dr. Munir’s voice was full of emotion, “You came here without a raincoat; in this weather! You came to stand guard, is that right?”

“I don’t get cold! I didn’t want to stay at the Headquarters; I don’t feel like sleeping either.” He heard the Mitrailleuse fire and stopped talking, and then he asked in a lower voice, “Are they exchanging fire?” He lowered his voice, but not because of fear. “Are they fighting, Jamil? Good…Show me a place, please.”

Dr. Munir opened the blanket and invited him to get shelter from the rain. “Here is a place for you, Major! Come, I am not a big man, there is room for both of us!”

“No, please, I meant a position to fire from!”

“It is all right. Come here and you can shoot from here, as well. This is a good spot for fighting.”

Nuri came under the shelter. He said, “I didn’t mean to disturb you. I was going to say something. Oh! I remember! Yes, I was saying I know Osman well; I don’t believe he is a coward. I don’t think he went because of fear!”

“You are right; maybe it is not fear; he is discouraged and probably didn’t know how to handle his nerves.  It is not fear; people are getting sick and tired of all this.” Munir said to Jamil, “You too, Jamil, you sighed, and then you looked at my face to see my expression. You were wondering whether I heard your sigh or not. You looked, even though you can’t see me in this dark.”

“Come on! There is nothing like that”

“Yes, there is. I know you are angry. Right then I wanted to ask you something…”


“Why are you here? What are you guarding in the middle of the night in this rain? If I asked you what would your answer be? Would you say you were guarding your country? If I asked you this question out of the blue what would you say?” Munir wondered.

“Of course, I would say that. Why did you ask?”

“You Officers, you speak straight, you don’t lie. I don’t mean the entire Officers’ Corps; some of you are into the tricks. Some of the Officers are worse than the irregulars. When people are ignorant they try to fake courage. Osman the Butcher is like that but it is our fault, regardless. It is the fault of the trustworthy Officers.”


“We let them do all the tricks…Should we smoke?”


“What if the light will be visible?”

“Don’t worry.”

Just as Jamil was taking the matches out he heard the machine gun; each bullet pierced through the darkness with a red, bright light. Major Nuri cocked his head, “Are they fighting?”

“No, Major! As the Doctor says, Lieutenant Farouk is firing into the darkness.”

Nuri didn’t get the joke. He said, “That’s heavy machine gun fire. It is a good gun.  It would be better in your hands than your opponents.” Major Nuri remembered his friend, Gor, “We used to call Gor ‘heavy machine gun’. Do you remember him?” Jamil was going to say ‘no’ but Nuri continued, “You should know him. I was at the Division Headquarters of Gor in Palestine. 4th Army, 3rd Army Corps, 1st Infantry Division; he was like a robot himself but he was a good man. If you didn’t know his personality traits you would think that the man didn’t think, but he had a special way of thinking… Jamil, do you know the ‘Sea of Lot’?

“Yes, Major, I know.”

“It is four hundred meters below sea level; you know that for sure, don’t you?”

“Yes, I know.”

Turkish Trenches at Deat Sea

“Yes, my friend; it is four hundred meters below sea level. I used to think some nights; I wonder how it is even possible? I said, ‘This sand that we are lying on is so loose our elbows are digging into it yet it is holding the vast Mediterranean Sea. How come the Mediterranean Sea is not swallowing this sand up and not filling up this hole? The French call the Sea of LotLa Mer Morte’; it is the same in Turkish, ‘Oludeniz’”

Major Nuri thought about this for a while, and then he stretched his leg. His wound was still wrapped with bandages. He continued, “The British attacked us twice; they were trying to distract us.  I thought these were attacks to achieve the final victory, but they weren’t. I thought they were going to encircle us by going through Eriha Bridge and Salt Amman Headquarters…  They attacked Gaza twice with all their might and wanted to achieve results from the right side earlier. That’s why I thought they wouldn’t come to the same point again. Some Army Generals warned the Group Commanders but to no avail. General Liman von Sanders didn’t take this seriously. Well, even if he took that seriously he couldn’t have done much anyway because there were only the 24th Infantry Division and 3rd Cavalry Division behind for backup. We had a total force of twenty-eight thousand men including the 7th and the 8th Armies, as well as our own 4th Army.  The Gerek Mountains were on our left and Harvan was behind us. We were separated from the 7th and the 8th Armies by the Jordan River. We were 60 kilometers from the sea and that 60-kilometer-long area was guarded by three Armies, in fact, as strong as 3 Divisions. When I say guard, you know what I mean. As a matter of fact, the enemy crushed the 22nd Army Corps at the first strike; their Cavalry unit was right behind us. They were almost going to take the Armies Group Commander in Nasira prisoner. Because of that, the Palestinian Front was without a leader for a couple of days. While the 7th and the 8th Armies were retreating towards the Jordan River, we went to the mountains and retreated towards Dar. ”

Ottoman Artillerymen in Southern Palestine-1917

Staff Major Nuri Bey waited until the machine gun stopped its rattling. He looked into the darkness. He was talking as if he was lecturing Officers at the War Academy. It was as if the war in question was Hannibal’s Battles, not his own.

Jamil tried to guess what Nuri was looking at, he looked at it in the same direction, but there was only darkness. Nuri continued, “What was I saying? Oh! Yes, retrieval; to be frank I never had difficulty in the wars until September of 1918!” He drew from his cigarette. “It wasn’t like I was shying away from the hardship. I didn’t think of making others shoulder the difficulties. My friends know me, I am no coward. I am afraid of dying like everyone, however, when facing danger I don’t think of dying.” He smiled, “I get scared after I throw myself in the line of danger.”

Jamil saw a lot of men in the army like Major Nuri; they were the ones who picked the wrong profession. They weren’t incapable; you didn’t feel sorry for them; you didn’t feel you needed to protect them in dangerous places. Those types of men live all by themselves alone in the army. They are tough; they don’t complain about fatigue or poverty; they don’t even think of themselves as suffering from anything. They don’t get shell shock. They live in their own world. If they die they need a couple of minutes to live to be able to understand that they are dead!”

Jamil asked, “So you started to retreat…”

Jamil was curious about what Nuri felt as they were retreating from Palestine. Nuri continued, “So we started to retreate. Our front wasn’t broken so we felt confident. We didn’t feel guilty. When I say we, you know no one in the 4th Army felt guilty. Do you know Jamal who is from Mersin?”

Gaza- Feb.1918

“Yes, I know him.”

“I don’t know how he was able to get himself promoted to the rank of Army Commander. He didn’t seem ambitious. Maybe he is but he doesn’t let it show. Why did I tell you this? Maybe I wanted to tell someone for a long time. It doesn’t matter. I don’t know for sure. We were retreating. The enemy wasn’t pressuring us. We were going back in an orderly fashion. The troops were acting like they were coming back from training. The Commander was giving the orders in time and men were obeying in time; we all felt confident. We thought even if we were retreating we would stop the enemy somewhere that was for sure. I don’t know why we felt that confident, probably because we were out of the Dead Sea region. We were climbing up to higher ground. Yes. We were going towards the left towards the mountains. The mountains looked dark blue from a distance. It can be as hot as 60 to 70 degrees around the Jordan River and the Dead Sea shores. After all that heat going to the mountains made me think of the cool uplands. As we were approaching the foothills everything seemed fine, too good to be true.

 As we started our climb everything changed instantly. Everything was upside down. Like an earthquake, worse than that, like doomsday! The last report that I got was that the Indian Cavalry Brigade was attacking our trail party. After that other reports came, and we sent orders to the units but nothing was rational anymore. What we had imagined as green plains turned out to be hard rocks, rugged terrain, cliffs, and sharp rocks. I still get dizzy thinking about those cliffs. It was scary. We were hearing the voices of mules from two hundred meters below and their call was answered by the camels which were a hundred meters above. The camels that fell off the cliff ended up by the creek after falling down while hitting the rocks.  From above they looked like small ants. We descended from those mountains to the Harvan Plains, leaving behind our cannons and ammunition chests. The horses didn’t have horseshoes anymore and the people had no shoes. All the men of the 4th Army were fatigued. They were finished. We thought we could rest once we descended to the flatlands but we didn’t have time to relax.  The Harvan Plains were worse than hell. It was like we didn’t descend to the plains but entered into fire. Since the 7th and the 8th Armies were on the left, the entire Lightning Armies Group mixed into one another. Thousands of men, animals, and vehicles were going towards Damascus, falling and tripping. On our right, the enemy Cavalry Units were also advancing towards Damascus while keeping an eye on us. On our left, there were the gangs of the English Laurence and Emir Faisal, who were a descendant of the Prophet. In front of us, there were tens of thousands of armed bandits; behind us, there were General Allenby’s fresh agile, and content troops. Content because they were victorious and still behind us. General Allenby’s Palestinian Army was forty times stronger in manpower and a thousand times stronger in weapons. The scorching sun and the airplanes were above us. I don’t remember who thought of this first, but they promoted me to the Commander of the Infantry Regiment.”

 He massaged his knee on his wounded leg and shook his head desperately. “You know, every officer dreams about being a Commander and thinks about what to do on his first day! I always thought of myself as being in charge of a Regiment that needed further training. I thought about what to say to the privates and what to say to the Officers since my days as a Lieutenant. I had prepared my speech word by word. My motto was ‘iron discipline for duty and real friendship among soldiers’. My Regiment consisted of two hundred men.” He hesitated, “No, actually one hundred and fifty, maybe one hundred and twenty men. They were all resting near the stream. They tried hard to stand up. They didn’t have much of a uniform. Their uniforms were all ripped. They looked worse than the bandits! I was astonished. I think I begged them to sit down. My friends later told me tears rolled down my eyes.” He passed his fist under his eyes. “It was bad. Since that day I have cried without realizing it. You know sometimes people find this inappropriate. They think us Officers are made out of stone. We indeed have certain rules for our chosen profession. Maybe it is indeed inappropriate for an Officer to cry; maybe they are right to think this way.”

Jamil was preoccupied; he wanted to ask, “What did you do to get the retreating soldiers back in the trenches?” Then he understood that he was being merciless and stopped talking. Nuri said, “Yes?”

“It is not important.”

“You were going to say something.” The Staff Major Nuri Bey smiled forgivingly, “You were going to ask something related to crying.  Is that right?”

Jamil thought he had to continue with his question, “No, not at all Major; I was wondering if you had to use weapons to get the privates back into the trenches.”

“Yes, I used the weapons.” Major Nuri answered the question without hesitating. “We had to. They panic most of the time; I had that experience a couple of times at Chanakkale.” Then he laughed, “I see now. You thought of me as a weak person and wondered if I could fire at a person. That’s different. That’s totally different, isn’t it?”

When Jamil laughed as well, Nuri didn’t press the matter any further and continued, “We were retreating but every now and then we showed some teeth like wolves. Soon after I took command, I had to leave the Regiment. I found myself walking alongside a horse-drawn carriage holding onto the left side of it on September 25th, 1918. What happened before then was just like a nightmare that the people with Malaria have between the fevers. We had two to three thousand men. It might have been more. We had to walk during the night since there were air attacks. A Cavalry unit was guarding us with their lances.

“Which division was that?”

“The Third Division! They joined our army before the defeat. They were reserves. One regiment went to join with another unit so there were only two regiments. One of the regiments was leading us and the other was behind us. We were carrying the weight in the middle. Some were too tired to walk and they were falling down. We didn’t have horses anymore. Most of us had to walk. My horse had been shot with a stray bullet. The wounded officers were riding on horses; wounded soldiers were lying on top of each other in the carriages. The artillery soldiers had already left their Battalions by the Jordan River and were riding the horses, two or three people on each horse. Some Cavalry soldiers had lost their units and they were trying to poke their hungry horses with their lancers to make them walk.”

“How many soldiers did the Cavalry Regiments have?”

“Each had about a hundred and fifty men. We reached Ibrit, which was Aclun’s center, on the morning of September 26th. The Lightning Armies’ Headquarters in Ibrit had depots full of more than a million kilos of oats, the same amount of wheat, and half a million kilos of legumes. All this would soon be left to the Arab bandits, who were following us at close range. In fact, they already had encircled us. Both the men and the animals of the army ate all they could. We took three days of supplies with us and prepared to leave at midnight. However, in the evening a crowd had descended on the town. There were about five hundred people, completely naked. All had their hands in front of them trying to cover themselves; they were robbed by the Arabs. The bandits took everything including the victims’ underwear. There were four hundred privates and seven or eight Officers. Seven Germans were with them. Everyone ran to their aid. The naked people covered themselves with the clothes that they could find. Then we started our journey towards Muzeyrib. Every now and then the people of Harvan were firing bullets at us from all directions. Even today some of us are still mad at Harvan’s people’s hospitability!”

“You are not mad at them?”

“At first I was angry. Then I thought we were mad at them for revolting against the Caliph even though they were Muslims themselves. But then I thought in Europe the same thing was happening. The parties who were at war with one another were all Christians. No one was accusing anyone of fighting against their  Christian brothers. The unacceptable thing was that they ripped people’s clothes off under the scorching desert Sun and as if that were not enough, they were firing at an army who is retreating and defeated. When I was a Prisoner of War I learned that the bandits were more than fifteen thousand people. At that time all of 7,8 and 4th Armies’ men were less than that collectively.

7th Army Commanders

On September 27th, our Lancer Regiment approached an Arab village called Tafas.  The villagers opened fire suddenly. The Regiment dismounted and spread like hunters. We retreated and crouched down. In front of our eyes, our own men were fighting. None of us had the power to go to their aid. We were warriors only a week ago. We were sitting there like the Harem women who had never held a weapon. The 3rd Cavalry Regiment had 300 members. They were dismounted and ordered to fight in different compositions. First, they wanted to charge ahead. Then they struggled to encircle the village going around us. We were watching all this, completely disconnected from it, as if we were the audience in a movie theater who didn’t like war movies. Then they were behind the thick walls and hills in the village. There was a small flat area in the center and they were responding to the attackers. Even that kind of situation was not enough to awaken us. Only ten people went to their aid amongst us. I think they were the Cavalrymen as well. They couldn’t stay there without helping their comrades. I wanted to talk about that when I started talking to you. Tonight when I couldn’t sleep I thought about Tafas Village and that indifference. You have been complaining about the people’s indifference for so many days now so I think these things happen. People just freeze unexpectedly. Even though you see others are facing death instead of you, you don’t do anything and you don’t feel ashamed in such a time. How do you awaken people? How do you make them feel something? You can’t get any results by fighting and forcing them.”

Major Nuri changed the position of his wounded leg and he smiled, “Yes, you can’t do anything about it under those conditions. We just sat there and watched. We didn’t even pay attention to the bullets that were flying over our heads and raining down around us. So why didn’t we move? It wasn’t fear of death!”

Jamil was thinking about something else. He answered absentmindedly. “That’s right!”

“I am sure it wasn’t because of the fear of death. The Division Commander saw that face-to-face combat was not effective and ordered one unit and a heavy machine gun team to encircle the village by taking an indirect route to approach the village. I was thinking about the same thing as I was sitting down and watching. The bandits retreated to the hills on the right-hand side while still fighting. There were only fifty of them left in the town, soon they mounted their horses and camels to flee. We buried the dead. The cavalry rested. I should mention that for the first time in my life, I saw a Cavalryman without boots, bare feet on the spur, no socks. The stirrups were made out of the copper boilers. Their reins were not made out of leather, but ropes. Most of them had broken spears. Their uniforms were in bad shape but they had new weapons. They had enough ammunition. Since they were losing men they had more guns to choose from and more ammunition to use. The Commander left the 6th Regiment in the village so that they could recuperate. They were the ones who had been fired upon first. Now the 8th Regiment was in front, and we were heading North. I was still thinking about the man who was riding with his bare feet on the spur. When I saw him last he was trying to reach the village crawling; his feet were dirty. When he got shot he stretched his legs twice then pulled them to his stomach and stayed motionless. I can still remember his footprints on the sand.”

Patrona Halil- instigator of a mob uprising in 1730

 Major Nuri thought for a while and asked, “ Do you know Patrona Halil? After the revolt, when he was taking the new Sultan for the sword ceremony, he rode his horse barefoot. That’s what it says in the history books. You might ask what that has to do with this. As I was thinking this, I heard a commotion and before I could realize what was going on, somebody hit me hard in the head with a heavy object.”

“Who hit you?”

“The people who had been taken out of the village by force. They realized the weaknesses of our Cavalry unit. To plunder our guns, two hundred horsemen together with one hundred men on camels came and attacked the exhausted crowd walking around the carriages. They attacked us with swords. When I opened my eyes I was on a stretcher. My head was aching and there were streaks of light in my eyes. I had a huge bump as big as my fist on the top of my head. I had difficulty moving my right leg. After that day I was never the same. My left eye is still twitching. The cork under my headgear saved my life. Since that day I got depressed, suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I have lost my desire to live. Everything is meaningless. The family, the country, the nation. The threat of a foreign army invading our country, friendships, reading writing, everything becomes meaningless! Sometimes women scream ‘I’ve had enough!’  it is just like that. So, that’s how it is. I stay in the same place in the same position for days. I don’t want to move a single muscle. To me saying a single word needs the same amount of effort as running to the summit of Mount Uludag. Forget about talking, it is hard for me even to listen to someone. I can’t possibly describe to you this sense of fatigue! I even think that I will be thirsty again; I fear being thirsty and not able to find water. I fear remembering what happened to me during the war. That’s the worst fear. I think about this a lot. Why did I leave Rahmi fighting and come back? How did I gather the strength? No, It is not an excuse to be wounded. I shouldn’t listen to Rahmi; I should fight with the Sergeant who helped me mount my horse.”

Jamil realized his own fatigue that he sensed in Istanbul was not as deep as Nuri’s. Jamil’s own feelings were not as strong as Nuri’s. Jamil wondered if Colonel Rahmi felt the same thing. Was he desperate? Was that the reason he let himself be killed?”

Nuri continued his story, “I don’t know how I came to Bursa? How I was able to ride the horse and sit straight.  I remembered one thing, that Anzavour wasn’t in the habit of taking the Officers prisoner. I should be ashamed of that thought. If I had ever had a slight fear in my subconscious from the past, that meant I wouldn't perform my duties well on that particular day. Yesterday, I wasn’t able to sleep. I felt shame. I was ashamed of myself as if I was finding fault in someone else. When I was taken prisoner the same thing happened. It was like someone else was taken prisoner and I was feeling ashamed for him. I felt that I didn’t do my best; I didn’t search for all the ways, and I stopped fighting too soon. Some of our friends even thought about surrendering to the English and wondered if it would be better than getting caught by the bandits. I didn’t even think about that. A group of us who decided to surrender gathered under a tree at a farm named Eshrefiye. We were like a bunch of sheep keeping close to one another and rubbing their nose against the soil. We saw a Cavalry unit passing by a hundred meters away. There were about thirty-five people. Only twelve of them had spears. They were too proud to surrender. They were determined to continue fighting and try to find a way to pass through. They didn’t look like vicious warriors but they weren’t concerned about the bullets that were coming their way either. The enemy Battalion was firing bullets over the heads of the surrendered soldiers to the Cavalry Unit. The Cavalry kept on walking towards the homeland without forcing their tired animals. Their commanders were amongst us. I think those Commanders felt worse than us. They must have had more difficulty answering questions at the War Ministry when they returned to Istanbul.”

It was almost sunrise. Farouks’ machine gun was quieter now. Jamil wanted to offer some cognac to Nuri.  As he was stretching the bottle towards him, he heard a noise and stopped. The horses were approaching at full speed. There must have been something. They reached for their rifles. Jamil heard Shaban’s noise and jumped to his feet.

“Major! Sir!” Shaban was out of breath;  Jamil called, “Here! We are here! What happened? Is that Anzavour?”

“Yes, Sir! It is Anzavour!” Shaban pulled the reigns and his horse was on his back feet. “ Sir!  Ethem the Circassian finished Anzavour! Ethem defeated Anzavour; his troops were dismantled. Lieutenant Shevki came and gave us the news.”

Jamil threw his rifle to the ground put his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Farouk! It is over! Come here! Leave it and come back!” Then he turned and hugged Dr. Munir.

Dr. Munir was breathing fast. Lieutenant Sevki was telling the story with a teenager’s enthusiasm. “The battle was on for five hours, not exactly five hours. In fact, the heavy fighting lasted only two hours. We were riding in rugged terrain. When we descended to the stream, we saw that the first team had already got there. After letting their horses drink water they were crossing the stream. Then we let our horses drink. All of a sudden we heard gunfire; a lot of bullets were being fired. We mounted our horses. We didn’t go halfway up the hill when we noticed that the first unit was retreating, they were broken up. We proceeded to go to the top of the hill where we saw that the enemy had dismounted their horses and was attacking. They were two hundred men strong. In the north, there was one group moving to the other side. I raised my arm to signal the back to pick up speed. If we could carry two machine guns to the hill on the left we could have finished them. I sent half of the men to help our units, which the enemy was trying to encircle. I ordered the other half to climb up the hill and wait for the machine guns. They went up the hill quickly while riding their horses neck to neck.  As they were going the machine gun team arrived and I ordered the team Commander Halim take the guns to the hill. When I saw that the first team already arrived at the summit and the machine gun team was on their way, I felt confident and I was sure in a short period we would be able to chase the enemy away. I brought the reserve horses of the two teams close to the hunters and told them that if the enemy breaks down then the units will start a cavalry charge immediately without waiting for the orders. At that instant, Anzavour attacked with all his force towards the left-hand side. The cavalry moved to both sides and left the job to the foot soldiers like we had decided before. We attacked with all our might from the left side. We went around a small hill to guard a wooden bridge that was far away. Our Artillery was shooting the targets accurately.”

When Jamil heard the word ‘artillery” he paid more attention, “Our Artillery?”

“Yes, our artillery. In fact, they didn’t miss a single shot. We claimed the bridge. You know the feeling; suddenly one can feel that the other side is not up to it. They were struggling. They started out confident but our infantry has broken them.”

“Then our soldiers fought a good fight?”

“They were like lions. Each unit was as strong as a fortress.”

“What happened next? You claimed the bridge…”

“When Anzavour saw that we had the bridge, he saw that there was no point in forcing anymore. He turned his back. Upon seeing this, everyone mounted their horses and followed him at full speed.”

Doctor Munir was curious, “How would you rate Ethem as a Military Man?”

“I don’t know if he is good or not but he couldn’t have won without the help of our infantry. There is one thing though; he is really calm on the battlefield. He is calm, cold-blooded, and brave. Anyway, we were able to get back the cannons that Anzavour had taken from Hamdi at Biga. As we were celebrating the fact that we had taken back the cannons and the machine guns; Ethem’s horsemen….” Lieutenant Shevki lowered his voice, “… started plundering. Some changed their horse; some changed their boots with the better ones…Ethem’s units and the regular military fought together, yet one side started plundering while the others remained disciplined and worked together in an orderly fashion. That was different. I appreciated our soldiers much more than in previous wars. You might say that sometimes our infantry soldiers also misbehave. You are right. But it’s rare. That’s the important part, they rarely misbehave. I paid attention to them and I saw that our soldiers were looking at Ethem’s bandits disapprovingly. You know how they are, quiet, and knowing.

When Shevki said ‘quiet’; Jamil thought of Major Nuri. He hadn’t seen him since the morning. He asked, “Doctor, Have seen Nuri?”

“Nuri? Major Nuri? No, I haven’t seen him”

“I wonder where he is. I hope he is not sick.”

“You better go check.”

Shevki started to tell the story about how Anzavour hanged a lot of people in Gonen. “He ordered many Officers to be executed.”

“That’s how you know he is a bandit.”

“He ordered the execution of the Muftu in Gonen as well as the President of the local Rights Association. His men plundered the town.”

“Where is he now?” Munir asked.

“He tried resisting our forces in Biga once more but when he realized that it was useless, he caught the ferry and went away.”

Jamil stood up and went outside. He asked the batman where Selahaddin was.

“Captain Selahaddin was asked to go to the telegram office urgently, Sir.”

“Where is the Commander?”

“He is with Ethem.”

“Have you seen Major Nuri?”

The Batman hesitated, “Sir, Nuri is in prison.”

“Did they put him in prison? Who ordered this? Why?”

“Tewfik ordered it.”

“What for?”

“Nuri didn’t salute him.”

“When did this happen?”

“They say Nuri didn’t salute Tewfik as he was leading his forces.”

“That’s too bad! Does the Commander know about this?”

“Yes, he knows, Sir.”

“Does Selahaddin know?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“We couldn’t talk to Ethem, Sir. Selahaddin talked to Hafiz Huseyin and Hafiz advised us not to interfere. He fears, if someone interferes, they might put him in front of the firing squad. He advises us to wait a little and he promised to talk to Tewfik after things calm down.”

“Where is Nuri now?”

“He is at the Gendarmerie Division.”

“Are there any other prisoners there?”

“Yes, there are some Anzavour supporters.”

“Who is guarding the prison?”

“Ethem’s flag bearer, Haji Omer is guarding the prison; he is a tough man. Maybe you can talk to Ethem. We should let him know. We should tell him that Nuri has some…mental problems…he needs help.”

Jamil looked at the Commander’s room’s door for a minute, and then turned towards the stairs, walking fast. When he went on the road, he was thinking of the terror. He thought to himself ‘Whether we win or lose, we bring terror. Some of us have lived in fear for so many years, yet they still like terrorizing other people. We don’t know how to celebrate. That’s not human. Tewfik came to a big city like Bursa as if he was the conquering Commander and yet he got angry at a man who was sitting down in a corner silently. How is this even possible? Why would he even think about putting Nuri in prison?’ Jamil realized that it didn’t occur to the people of Bursa that they needed to celebrate; it was a time for celebration. The roads were empty, people were still suspicious and they preferred to stay in their homes. As he was walking, he became angrier with every step.

As he was approaching the Gendarmerie Headquarters, he recognized Haji Omer sitting in front of the door. His huge body spread out over the chair and he was enjoying his water pipe. One leg was stretched on one chair and the other leg was on the second chair. His arm was on the third one. Not even Yavuz Sultan Selim was as proud as him when he was returning as a Caliph from Egypt.

Yavuz Sultan Selim (1470-1520)
First Ottoman Caliph

Haji Omer was from Kayseri. When he saw Jamil he stood up, “Oh Jamil Bey! It is nice to see you, Sir. I looked for you but couldn’t see you in the morning. Come, take a seat. I will order some tea and water pipe for you.”

“Thank you, Omer. I don’t have time. I came to see a friend of mine.”

“Who is your friend?”

“I was informed that he is a prisoner here. Come with me.”

“Oh! Is that right? Who is that?”


Jamil entered the building and walked towards the detention room. Omer said, “Who is your friend? Oh! I know. It must be the Major that Tewfik Bey has ordered to be arrested.”

Jamil ordered the guard on duty, “Open the door!”

The bandit opened the lock in a hurry. Jamil entered. Anzavour’s men were afraid. They stood up immediately to salute Jamil.

Major Nuri was looking through the bars to the outside absentmindedly. The bars on the window had spider webs on them.

Haji Omer called, “Hey, Major! Don’t you see? You have a visitor!”

Nuri Bey turned to see who had come. He looked at Jamil, “Oh! Jamil! Did you come for me?”

For the first time since he met Major Nuri, Jamil clicked his heels and saluted him formally, “Yes, Major I came to apologize.”

“There is no need to…” Staff Major Nuri Bey was about the same age as Jamil; however, he looked much older. He smiled like a grandfather. “Mistakes happen, I was so happy to see our soldiers victorious. You don’t know how happy I was but I think happiness made me tired. I just stayed there. It is my fault. I should have stood up; I should have known it was my duty. I didn’t think of it… It is my fault. They are right. Probably they thought I wasn’t happy for our country on a day like that. All this happiness can make people do wrong. I know that joy can mislead our nation more than sorrow. You came to see me. Thank you very much.”

“You are welcome. Please get ready, we are leaving.”

Omer interrupted, “Oh, Jamil Bey. What about Tewfik Bey? He will punish us.”

He looked at the face of the bandit in such a way that the man swallowed and was quiet. Jamil’s face was filled with anger.

Jamil asked Major Nuri, “Sir, do you have your walking stick?

“I think I have it somewhere. Oh! Here it is.”

“Omer! Bring me the Major’s walking stick. I told you to bring it!”

Omer with his huge body hurried to get the walking stick. As he was giving it to the Major, Jamil took it and gave it to the Major himself.  “Here is your walking stick, Sir. I apologize again.” He said to Omer, “Tell Tewfik that I came by and took Nuri Bey out. If he wants to talk to me, I am at the headquarters, as always.”

“Oh, Sir, there is no need! There is nothing to talk about. You know Tewfik, I am sure he has forgotten about Nuri Bey. Would you like to have some tea?” Then he stopped talking and listened outside. Trumpets were calling the soldiers to order.

Jamil hired a carriage, let Nuri board first, and as he jumped on board, told the coachman to go to the Division headquarters quickly.

There were trumpet noises persistently calling everyone to order, and messengers were riding their horses hurrying to get to the places they were going. There were horseshoe noises on the stone pavement.

Everyone was alert when they reached the headquarters. The orders were short and strict. The Officers, Sergeants, and soldiers all had something to do. As Jamil was walking toward the stairs, Shaban stopped him, “Major, it is bad news.”

“What? Is it the English? Did they attack?”

“Worse…This time it is inland, my hometown. It is in turmoil…This time our own Turks are revolting…”

“What are you talking about? Who are your own Turks?”

“My hometown! The Stupid folks of the inland region! They are revolting and they are revolting in a really bad fashion. They attacked and instantly killed our Division Commander.”

“Which Division Commander is that? Are you talking about Bekir Sami?”

“No, Sir, I am talking about the Commander of the 3rd Cavalry Division! He was our Commander at the Sinai Front.”

“This is too confusing. Tell me from the beginning or else I am going to hit you!”

“Captain Selahaddin received a telegram from Ankara; they ordered Ethem to go to Bolu right away.”

“So Bolu is your hometown? I don’t think so…”

“Bolu is our bordering neighbor, Sir! Turkmens live there, that’s why it is ours. Bolu, Gerede Duzce, and Hendek all those areas are revolting against Ankara. There is mutiny everywhere. The boilers were carried to the town square.”

“What was that for? Are they preparing meals for the soldiers?”

“There wasn’t much time for that, Sir! Ethem ordered the merchants to open the Bazaar and he told them to bring meat and sausages to the square. They are cooking meals for Ethem’s men.”

“Is this for everyone?”

“No, Ethem’s men will be given freshly baked bread and they will have sandwiches with this meat and pastrami, then they are going on their way.”

“Is there enough for the soldiers?”

“No, there isn’t. This food is for Ethem’s bandits only. Those Bashibozouks! Our soldiers will have bulgur soup if they are lucky. The infantry will follow them. They are making preparations in the warehouses for the army’s needs. Ethem is giving orders. He wants the best hay for his horses. He is threatening he will hang people if the animal feed is not up to his standards.”

Ulucami - Grand Mosque of Bursa was built between 1396-1399

“Where is he now?”

“He is at Ulucami; he gathered all the big turbans to the Mosque.

 “What is he doing there?”

“He is making the Hodjas witnesses to the message that he is sending to the Sultan. In his message, he is letting Istanbul know that he already defeated Anzavour and advising the Sultan to get himself a better Pasha…. He told the Sultan not to send any more unworthy commanders to fight with him; he is letting the Sultan know that he is going to Bolu now and to beware of what will happen next when he returns from Bolu.”

Selahaddin called from upstairs so Jamil left Shaban and climbed the stairs. Selahaddin said, “Did you get the bad news?”

“No, what is it?”

“Colonel Mahmud got killed in Duzce by the rebellion.”

“You don’t say. How did this happen? Was he killed in action?”

“No, I think Mahmud was confident because of his Circassian origins but they tricked him. First, they sent an envoy to him, that’s why Mahmud ordered the cease-fire trumpets. Then he went out of the trenches and proceeded towards the enemy. When he was close enough, he realized that the other side was not meaning well. He realized what their intentions were got the rifle from the Officer and fired. When he missed, the enemy shot and killed him.”

“I am sorry to hear this. He was a good friend of mine. He was very brave.”

“Upon hearing the news our Commander cried like a child. There is worse news; the resistance is spreading from Bolu towards Ankara. Ethem got the orders to go and attack them immediately!”

“I will ask the Commander’s permission to leave and join Ethem’s forces now.”

“We already talked to the Commander about this. It is impossible. We can’t leave Bursa. We have to guard the city. We don’t have enough soldiers here.

 “Why did you gather the hodjas in the Mosque? Are they going to give counter Fatwa?”


“Are they willing to do that?”

“Sure, they will issue a counter Fatwa. In fact, they are fighting one other to sign it first. You know those Hodja types as well as I do. They can’t resist power.”

Selahaddin ran to open the coded telegram that was brought in by the batman. Jamil went out of the building.

When he went to the town square, he saw Ethem’s men lining in front of the boilers to get meat to put in their sandwiches. Once they got their food, they were returning to their horses. They had all rested in Bursa’s famous hotels. They shopped at the bazaar and enjoyed the thermal waters for the last couple of days. They have fresh clothes on. Since they changed their horses at every chance they got, their horses were quite handsome.



When Ethem’s Battalion Commanders came to the town square, the cavalry units were ready to leave.

Ethem bid farewell to the Commander and the Governor and told Jamil quietly, “I will ask for Ankara’s permission for you to join my units, even though I asked the Commander here, he refused to allow you to come with me.”

The horsemen were following Omer the flag bearer in an orderly fashion; two horses, side by side. They had their rifles across their shoulders. The silver of their saddles and knives were shining in the sun.

Jamil didn’t want to nod to Ethem’s older brother, Captain Tewfik, so he looked towards Lieutenant Shevki’s heavy Machine Gun Unit.

The regular army soldiers had patched clothes and ripped boots, however, they had the pride of real warriors on their faces. They weren’t defeated by the bandits. Jamil saluted those proud soldiers. He didn’t put his hand down until the last soldier who was carrying water, passed by.

The Heavy machine gun troops suddenly started singing the famous patriotic song of the Great War. The song echoed from the front of the troops to the end. They were walking on the dusty road.

Dr Munir said, “Ethem the Circassian defeated Anzavour the Circassian, and now he is going to crush the resisting Turks who are against the War of Independence. Do you understand that, Shaban?”

Shaban was behind. He was staring at Munir’s skinny neck with his one eye. He tried hard to understand. “Yes, Sir, I understand. How can I not understand?”

“Wow! Good for you, you are very clever.”

Since Munir said this in a Balkan accent, Shaban knew he was joking so he smiled. Then Dr. Munir got mad. “If you were back home I would kill you for laughing. Thank the Lord you are here!”

“I think it is best to be here on a day like this. Don’t you think, Doctor?”
“Don’t ask! If you were back home right now what would Ethem do to you?”

Shaban didn’t hesitate, “He would hang me, Sir!  I am sure of it!”