24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

Uprising of Ahmet Anzavur

 The Tired Warrior by Kemal Tahir

Translated by Elif Mat Erkmen

Chapter 12

Anzavur  1885-1921


Jamil woke up to Shaban’s voice, “Anzavour defeated our troops, Major! He finished off our regiments!”Jamil stood up. “Who said that? When did this happen?”

Lieutenant Farouk entered the room. “Sir, they murdered Colonel Rahmi.” Jamil was stunned. He just stared at Shaban and Farouk. Farook sat down on a chair. His lips were quivering. Jamil asked, “Did they ambush him?”

“No, he bravely fought for forty- eight hours. Anzavour had five thousand soldiers; Rahmi had only two hundred; a ratio of one to twenty-five.  We lost a great man!  Colonel Rahmi was an excellent Commander who encouraged his troops with ease. His men trusted him. Almost no one survived out of those two hundred men; they kept on fighting until Rahmi died. Do you know him personally?

 Jamil answered, “Yes, I knew him well. We were fighting shoulder to shoulder in Gaza. Did Anzavour really have five thousand soldiers?”

“Yes, at least five thousand, maybe even more.”

“Who said that? Maybe they were exaggerating.”

“No, they were not exaggerating! I know Major Nuri from Palestine, I trust him. He brought us the news. He served in the Fourth Army. Do you know him as well?”

Jamil thought for a minute. “Does he have a beard?”

“The Staff Major Nuri came to Palestine from Galicia with the German-Austrian troops, towards the end of the war…”

Jamil said, “Oh, he must have been with the ‘Thunderbolt Army Group’; I don’t think I know him. Was he on Rahmi’s team?”

“No, actually he was retired because of a head injury. During the last war, he was taken prisoner. He has a farm in Gonen and he was hoping to recuperate from his injuries there. But he knew Rahmi from his military days and when he heard that Rahmi’s troops were going to defend the area against Anzavour he couldn’t resist. He got his rifle and joined Rahmi.”

“Where is he now?”

“He is downstairs; he is getting treatment for a wound in his leg.”

“Is it bad?”

“The bullet didn’t touch the bone but the wound was not cared for properly, it doesn’t look good…”

“What is he saying about Anzavour?”

“He can’t talk much since he lost a lot of blood and feels weak. We need to find somewhere for him to rest.”

Jamil called Shaban, “Shaban, go carry him upstairs, he can rest here when his bandages are done.” Shaban went downstairs quickly.

Lieutenant Farouk lit a cigarette. Jamil asked, “How did Major Nuri manage to get here with a bad leg?”

“Sergeant Rustem knew Rahmi from Palestine. He helped him get on a horse and he brought him here. When Nuri was shot there were only twelve men left out of the two hundred. And after that they too fled, taking advantage of the dark. The Sergeant didn’t want to leave Nuri behind because he knew Anzavour would kill him. Rustem is a good man, he liked Rahmi and he is very sad about his loss.”

Captain Selahaddin entered the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. He asked Jamil, “Did you hear the bad news?”

“Yes, I heard about Rahmi Bey!”

“So sad…”

“Do you think Anzavour really had thousands of supporters?”

“I believe it is true.”

“What are the Commander’s plans for defending Bursa? What is the situation between Gonen and Bursa?

“Thank God there is good news. Anzavour went back to Balikesir.”

Jamil asked, “What are those papers you are holding?”

“General Yusuf Izzed wants the 172nd Regiment in Kirmasti to join the battle against Anzavour. This Cable is From Colonel Osman; he is saying that he won’t obey such an order. He could only defend himself if they were attacked. He is right because he knows that his troops are not strong enough to attack Anzavour.”

“What is the Commander’s opinion on this?” Jamil inquired.

“He doesn’t want to comment on this yet. He is not happy with the way the Superiors handled this. He won’t respond. In effect, we have been trying to communicate with Balikesir for the last hour. The Commander has to talk to the 61st Division before taking action.” Selahaddin shuffled the papers. “Look, in this cable the 20th Army Commander, General Ali Fuad, says,

Ali Fuat Cebesoy (1882-1968)

‘To the 56th and 61st Regiment Commanders,

 The following is the cable from General Yusuf Izzed who is reporting the telegram that he received from the War Ministry in Istanbul:

March 25th, 1920 The British Political representative issued a memorandum to our Government concerning an incident in Lefka. The irregulars in Lefka told the British Commander that they had to leave Lefka by 9 o’clock that night or the Turkish side would start an attack against the British and the irregulars would start the firing at that time. The British government was holding the Ottoman Government responsible because of this. The Ottoman Government has warned the military to avoid such actions because they are very dangerous for our country. These actions can cause dangerous outcomes in the future. The Turkish side has to cease fire immediately. They should stop the attack; they should avoid combat with the invading armies, especially with the British Army, at all costs. The First Army Corps was ordered to report the outcome to the War Ministry. It is in our best interest to keep the peace and be compliant with the invading power. There will be an investigation into this. Major Salih was appointed to the Committee and has boarded a train from Haydarpasha. This was signed by the Minister of War, General Fevzi’. ”

Haydarpasa Train Station in Istanbul


To 56th and 61st Division Commanders;

The Representatives’ Committee issued a no-contact order with Istanbul. However, General Yusuf Izzed didn’t obey that order. We haven’t answered him either. Our troops are successful. We should all be careful to not jeopardize the Nation’s Unity and hope of freedom. Attached are 20th Army Commander General Ali Fuad’s orders concerning the Committee, who are on their way from Istanbul. There will be no delays.


To the Commander of 24th Division Mahmud,


The War Ministry in Istanbul is under the occupation of the British. The War Ministry is now a prisoner to the British. That’s why the War Ministry is trying to prevent the success of the National Forces. The National Forces have begun the Independence War with the demand of our people. The War Ministry is sending some committee members to Anatolia. This committee boarded a train from Haydarpasha Station on March 23rd, 1920. Among them, there are high-ranking Officers like Salih. The other members of the Committee are also well-known and trustworthy individuals. All the members who are known to us should be arrested and sent to Ankara right away. The other committee members who are not known to us should be arrested and put into prison regardless of their ranks or high status with the War Ministry, until further orders from Ankara.

Upon this order the 24th Division Commander has arrested the committee members, Major Salih, Sinop Deputy Dr. Riza Noor, Kastomonu Deputy Yusuf Kemal, Eskishehir Deputy Abdullah Azmi, and Konya Deputy Hodja Vehbi. They were all sent back to Istanbul.”


Selahaddin put away the papers and shook his head. “Everything is way too complicated.”

“Forget it! Now Anzavour is trying to deceive us. We should be concerned about defending Bursa more than anything.”

Farouk interrupted, “ If locals don’t start defending themselves, we can’t do anything.”

“I don’t think the locals will start any war.”

“Do you think it will help if we were to bring Osman’s Regiment here?”

“Do you know Osman personally?”

Jamil thought for a second, “I have seen him but I don’t know him that well.”

“Osman hung a lot of dissidents in Kirmasti. After the Staff General talked to him he started to send dissidents to court before hanging them. I am not saying this to criticize Osman.  We owe him a lot. The 200 soldiers who made up the 56th Regiment are only here because of Osman’s courage.”

“Explain that to me.”

“Osman confiscated thousands of sheep from the farms of the Sultan. That’s why we have meat supplies for the troops.”

“Did he plunder Sultan’s farm?”

“If he asks him, it is all legal. He says he signed and sealed the documents saying that it is a war tax. He says we are all here to defend the Sultan’s country. He has to suffer as well as anybody. He says this while putting his fist on the table! At first, he almost turned the 172nd Regiment into a gang. We tried to prevent that. Now, he has special guards, they are all irregulars. They are thugs who got out of prison. He justifies this by saying that Military rules are not always sufficient. Sometimes in the face of danger, we should adapt to Bashi-bozouk ways.” He says this with pride. He is right. It is very difficult to save Bursa right now, even if we had a big army. Even if Mustafa Kemal  comes to Bursa himself,  it will be too hard to sort all this out.”

At this moment they saw the Major, who was wounded in the leg, entering the room. Shaban and an orderly were helping him walk. The Major looked embarrassed. He didn’t look like a Staff Major with his ripped uniform. He looked like a reserve officer who was more into reading than action. Jamil showed him the bed. The Major said, “No it is OK. I will take the chair. I don’t want to disturb you.”

Jamil said, “No please use the bed. I hope you get well soon.”

“Thank you.”

He looked out of shape, like the people who spent a lot of time in prison. His left eye had a constant twitch. He said, “My wound is not important. The bullet didn’t damage the bone. I can step on my foot. It is weird, after all these years.”  Then he stopped and apologized, “I am sorry, Gentlemen. I should offer my condolences. We lost Rahmi. You knew him. He was such a brave man. I am sorry. I am Staff Major Nuri. I was with the 4th Army. I worked with the German Team at the War Ministry for a long time. I was at the Gallipoli and the Galicia Fronts!”

Jamil introduced his friends and asked, “Were you together with Rahmi in Palestine, Major?”

“Yes!  That’s right! At Palestine! May he rest in Peace. He could have avoided being shot. He was so brave; he looked like he didn’t mind getting shot. He went towards his death. I warned him. At night we were so close to the enemy. We had only 3 hundred meters between us. The enemy came crawling near us. He was at the front of the Regiment. He didn’t want to step back. He might not have heard me. Even if he heard me, it is possible that he might not have understood. He was preoccupied with other thoughts. He was looking somewhere very carefully. Twice he said, ‘This is crazy’.  Then he said, ‘Be quick, get on your horse, go to Bursa right away. Tell them what is going on. As I was responding, a bullet passed between us. Just between his left ear and my left ear. “He said, ‘I order’. Then he fired his rifle and the man fell. Then twice he motioned to me to go. Then he laughed. I was surprised to see him happy all of a sudden. I am sure he was happy for a moment.” Then Major Nuri almost begged for a glass of water. He drank it. He inquired, “The orderly said he would make a smaller bandage in a few days. Do you think that is possible?”

“I think so.”

“I wish…I want to walk at least with the help of a cane! I don’t want to lie down without doing anything. So is there any news from Anzavour?”

“No, there is no news.”

“Do you think he is going to attack Bursa?”

“Anything is possible.”

“If he attacks Bursa then we should defend the city in every corner and every street. I asked the Sergeant to find me a rifle. What happened? Did he forget? If I don’t get well enough to walk, then you should leave me by the window and go! The sergeant has promised me to…”

Selahaddin bowed his head and said, “I know the Sergeant promised to find a rifle for you but the Commander of the Regiment says no. He would like you to leave for Eskishehir with the first group that is going there…”

“I don’t want that! The higher-ups forget that there is such a thing as fatigue. I am so tired. Going to Eskishehir is like going to the other end of the world to me! I would like to stay where I am.” Major Nuri put his hand on the eye that was twitching; he looked like he was in pain. He said, “I want the Sergeant to bring the rifle today. I need 50 bullets as well. If there is not enough ammunition I will get twenty. That’s enough for a person who knows how to shoot.”

Farouk asked shyly, “Are you a good marksman, Sir?”

“I was. I don’t think I have lost my ability. During the last combat, I did well. My hands didn’t shake. I wasn’t a war officer but when you are actually in combat…” Jamil and Selahaddin left the room quietly. Nuri was deep in thought. He didn’t even notice them leaving.


“Jamil! Get ready! You are going to Kirmasti! Selahaddin said suddenly.


“Because you are ordered to go get the 172nd Regiment Commander, Osman.”

“What does that mean? Can’t you communicate with him? Is there something wrong with the telegram cables?”

“No, we need to talk to him face to face! The Commanders of the Army Corps are trying to get him to fight against Anzavour without our knowledge!”

“Are they crazy? We know what happened to the 176th Regiment.”

“I don’t know! When they heard about Rahmi, the troops in Bandirma became restless. Osman the Butcher is really mad about this. He sent a cable that was way out of line to the Regiment. He was always like that. He says he will attack Bandirma! You have to go see him and try to convince him to come here.”

“That’s confusing. Anzavour is attacking us in the name of the Sultan. General Yusuf Izzed doesn’t listen to the orders of Ankara. Then he decides to attack Anzavour with whatever troops he has! This is all so crazy…” He thought for a while then asked, “When am I going to go?”

“Right now! I told Shaban to get the horses ready. The Commander wants Osman to come alone; meaning he doesn’t want Osman’s gang here. He says we have enough thugs here. Don’t let Osman get suspicious. If he wants his bodyguards to accompany him, you know what to do!”

“I’ll think of something.”

“Tell Osman the situation is serious. Yusuf Izzed wants him here no matter what. If he doesn’t want to come, then you have to arrest him. Now, you should go to the Office and get some money.”

Jamil went to the Office, got the money, and bid farewell to the Commander. Then he motioned Shaban to bring his horse.

The sun was rising on the Sea of Marmara.

Jamil planned on spending the night at one of the villages that he was passing through. That’s why he didn’t have his blanket with him. But he had a fur jacket and thick boots. He had his holster and Circassian knife on his belt, accompanied by his binoculars hanging on his neck. He looked like one of the warlords rather than a Military Officer.

Shaban brought his black horse ‘Karaoglan”. This Arabian horse was a gift from Ethem. He presented this gift to Jamil, after their first combat together. When the horse heard Jamil’s voice, he neighed and showed that he was happy. He was a young horse who was well taken care of. He had long slim legs, a long slim neck, and smart eyes.

Shaban took good care of him; he brushed the tail and even polished the silver on the horse’s head. The rifle case was attached to the saddle. Jamil petted the horse before mounting it. They decided to stay in a village with people they could trust. Shaban didn’t ask any questions. Jamil figured, he already knew why they were going to Kirmasti. Jamil knew from past experience that privates had a way of learning secret information. Sometimes they just guessed correctly. He lit a cigarette.

“Shaban, you haven’t brought your blanket.”

“No, I haven’t since you don’t have yours.”

“I thought you were going to give up colpack?”

“You have yours on.”

“You know Anzavour wants his men to kill people like us.  People with colpacks! He orders them to kill the Unionists!”

“What does he want from us? What did we do to him? Damn! I don’t understand all this. It is confusing. Why is he accusing us of treason when he was the one who tried to join the Nationalists in the first place? You know he tried to join the Nationalists in Balikesir, don’t you?”

Jamil answered, “I didn’t know that!”

“That’s what I heard. He insisted on joining them but the Nationalists didn’t want him. That’s why he is mad at us. If he was accepted he would be fighting against the Sultan now.”

“Did you hear that from the people who came from Bursa?’

“No, they are all supporting Anzavour; reactionary people support him. If what I hear is correct, the Commander of the Army Corps in Bandirma also supports Anzavour.”

“That’s a lie! Who said that?”’ Jamil asked.

Shaban said, “ It must be a lie…I didn’t think that an Army Commander would support Anzavour. What kind of…” Jamil understood what Shaban was going to say, ‘fool’; but he stopped short. So Jamil asked, hiding his smile, “You were saying? What kind of…?”

“I was saying…What kind of a Commander would support a person like Anzavour? The people from Bursa think that Anzavour was sent here by the Sultan. He is killing all those officers. Those Officers are also Sultan’s Officers. Aren’t they? He is saying he has the Sultan’s Decree, and he is reciting the Quran and he is faithful. He has the Sultan’s decree. Did the Sultan want him to kill us?”

“No, this is all nonsense! He wants to loot, that’s all! He is trying to deceive people so he can get away with it.”

“Yes, he is trying to deceive people. He is spreading rumors that we are having parties with naked ladies in the bathhouses. Never mind women, we haven’t seen a bathhouse for a long time. Why do you think Anzavour is mad at the Nationalists, Sir? Why are the people of Bursa against us? Perhaps the ignorant villagers don’t know about us. But the religious scholars should know better. The Commanders have difficulty finding new recruits. Everyone says it is because of the hodjas. The privates are deserting the army because of discouragement from the hodjas. They are telling the soldiers not to obey the orders of Young Turk Officers. They are calling us “Freemasons”. They are saying that all we care about is money. The hodjas are spreading those rumours and our soldiers believe them. The other day, when I was playing backgammon in the coffee house, I heard them talking. It was the same topic. And all the soldiers agreed. I got angry and interrupted. I asked them, ’ Don’t you all know how little our Officers are earning? They are barely surviving. Why would they want the war to continue?’ They understood. However, the next day it was the same discussion all over again. They are deserting, saying that the Officers are getting their salaries and the soldiers still have to live in poor conditions. They are asking why they have to still serve when the Sultan doesn’t want them to. They don’t see why they should fight against Anzavour and risk dying. You know what I think, Major?”

Jamil asked, “What do you think, Shaban?”

“In the past we witnessed some soldiers deserting the Army. However, they never took ammunition. Now, it is different. Now, they take their rifles and bullets with them when they are deserting. Because times are different, now there are all kinds of illegal activities going on. Instead of being a soldier, they prefer to be a gang member and earn money. The warlords are giving them monthly salaries if they join with their rifles. Anzavour gives a monthly salary of 100 to 150 Liras to the mounted soldiers. It is a question of life or death.”

“There is no guarantee that they will survive by joining the gangs.”

“I know, but some are stupid. First, they complain that the Officers take such large salaries. Then they go join the gangs for more money. If they were not so stupid, Anzavour wouldn’t have any chance to take action. What is the world coming to? I think the Commander is right to summon Osman. We need Osman to teach the people of Bursa a lesson.”

“Is that the rumor now?’

“Yes, that’s all they talk about these days. They say the people of Bursa are really worried now. Some are leaving the city because ‘Osman the Butcher’ has quite a reputation! Is that right?”

Colonel Osman was a short, stout man. He had a tough, rigid face. He had a tired look in his eyes. He was pulling on his mustache as he was talking. He looked like he was planning something. It was as if he was deciding on hanging someone. The Regiment was very disciplined. The security was tight. The main doors were guarded by soldiers and gang members. No one could have entered without permission. Jamil didn’t have to wait long to see him. When he entered the room Osman stood up and greeted him. “Jamil, welcome! I remember you well. I received a cable from Selahaddin yesterday. Did you have a good trip? Everything was all right?”

“Yes, everything was all right, Colonel.”

“I see that only your orderly is accompanying you. That’s unsafe. We have to take precautions. You know Rahmi acted courageously, but…I liked him so much. I am saddened by his death.” He was adjusting his gun in the holster. Then he said, “Jamil, now I have some business to attend. If you like you can wait for me here or if you wish to accompany me you are welcome to do so.”

“Sir, did Selahaddin explain in his cable why I was sent here?”

“No, he said you would tell me. After I attend to this business I will talk to you.”

“If it is going to take a long time, I would like to talk to you before you go.”

“It won’t take long. The division Commander gave this job to me. He insists that we should not execute anybody without proper court proceedings. Well, I should go preside over the court now!”

“Are there court proceedings right now?”

“Yes! Please come with me, and be a witness to the proceedings. They think I don’t care about the Law…”

Colonel Osman adjusted his fur cap over his right eyebrow. He walked away with heavy steps. When they entered the corridor, all the soldiers and the Officers stood up and saluted him with fear. There was no noise at all. Not even a fly buzzed. Osman the Butcher liked the fact that he was an intimidating figure. He walked with even more pride now. A soldier and a gang member were guarding the door. He asked with a voice like thunder, “Are the members of the Court Marshall present?”

Both the private and the gang members were so scared they were not brave enough to answer the question. Osman thundered again, “What happened to you? Are you deaf?” The private attempted to talk, and he opened his mouth. However, he didn’t have any voice. The other was stuttering. Osman said, “Damn you”, and pushed the door open, the door banged against the wall. The members of the Court Marshall stood to attention right away. “Everyone is present. That’s good!” He said to Jamil, “This is the Court Marshall’ and introduced the members to Jamil. “ Lieutenant Selami, he is an Artilleryman, Ahmed Gokgoz and the batman. Gentlemen, this is the famous Artillery Officer of our Army, Captain Jamil. He is with the Division and he is going to observe the proceedings so he can tell the Commander how thoroughly we are doing our job. How many cases do we have today?”

“There are three cases, Commander.”

“Is the preliminary investigation done?”

“Yes, Sir”

“What is the first case all about?”

“The first case is animal theft; the second is abating a crime, harboring gang members and the last one is about a suspect who is accused of being an informant to the British.”

“Good! Let’s start. Jamil, please be seated.” He appeared preoccupied for a minute then he said, “Jamil, would you like to join the panel?”

“No, thank you. There is no need.”

“As you wish.”

Osman sat down and the other members took a seat on both sides. One sergeant was a court reporter and the other was acting as bailiff.  The first suspect was an old man accused of animal theft. His face was wrinkled. He was skinny and his breathing was laboured. He had self-confidence though. He didn’t look scared. He had a lunch bag with him; he placed it on the floor and stood respectfully. Colonel Osman ordered, “Read the accusation!”

“Two cows were stolen from the Division. It was suspected that they were seen near the place where Rajab’s animals were grazing. Rajab was a shepherd and he gave a good description of the lost animals, however, he was not able to identify the men who took the cows.”

Colonel Osman started to interrogate, “What is your name?”


“What is your father’s name?”

“Ismail…He was a famous wrestler, Sir.”

“Where are you from?

“We came from the Balkans, Sir; from the Danube region. We came when….”

“How old are you?

“Fifty-five, I think.”

What do you do for a living?”

“I am a shepherd in Karayaka village.”

“Did you see the animals that had been stolen?”

“Yes, Sir, I did. One of them was dark, and the other was yellow. One had big horns…”

“Did you see what was wrapped around the cow’s necks?”

“Yes, Sir, one had a red woolen cloth around its neck. The men were pulling them away. The other had something leather…”

“Did you see who stole them?”

“It was early in the morning, still dark. I couldn’t see them.”

“You saw every detail but couldn’t see the faces of the thieves?”

The old man bowed his head; he was assuming that the Commander would understand that he was afraid of the men who stole the cows. That’s why he hoped the Commander would forgive him. He smiled.

“Why are you smiling? You Gypsy, tell me the names of the men or else!”

The shepherd was scared.“I couldn’t see them, Commander. I was trying to help the Army by being a witness, please let me go.”

“I am asking you for the last time! Tell me who stole the animals?”

“I don’t know!”

“That’s enough!” Osman asked the Court Recorder, “Did you write everything down? No! You didn’t! Write it now. It is understood that Rajab is protecting the men who stole the animals. Because of that, we find him guilty of theft. Since he can give an accurate description of the stolen animals and refuses to describe the thieves, it is clear that he is lying. He is going to be executed. Write that down!” …Military Criminal Law…Article…Approved! Tomorrow morning in the town square… Security Division is ordered. Take him away!”

Rajab didn’t realize what was happening.“Am I free, Sir?”

“Go away! You will see me tomorrow morning!”

“Tomorrow? Thank you, Sir! God Bless You!”

Rajab was taken out of the courtroom by two sergeants. They were pushing him roughly. Jamil was stunned. The Court Reporter presented the verdict to Colonel Osman and he signed it with anger. He said, “That stupid man is afraid of the thieves, yet he is not afraid of us! We know how to kill too!”He had a spark in his eyes now. He ordered, “Bring the second criminal!”

The second criminal was deathly pale. Two sergeants were pushing him into the room. If it wasn’t for them, the suspect would have collapsed. He was about 35 years old, had dark looks, and was handsome. He looked well off. He took pride in the way he dressed. His vest had gold trim on and he had embroidered clothes. Colonel Osman was accustomed to seeing men so frightened in his court that he didn’t care about the suspect’s condition. He asked, “What is your name?”

The suspect mumbled something that no one understood. Osman asked again, “What is your name?”


“What is your father’s name?”

“Jan Polat.”

Osman asked the court Reporter, “Are you writing?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Are you Circassian?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Did you give food to Shevket’s Gang?”

“Yes Sir! Our walnut chicken is famous around here. Sevket Bey came…”

“Are you calling him a ‘Bey’? He is a thug! He is not a ‘Bey’. Be careful how you talk!”

“His father was a “Bey”, Commander. That’s why…”

“Did you give them food?”

“Yes, Sir. I had to. If I refused them they would have killed me. I had no choice.”

“Yes, you were afraid but didn’t you know that I am here? Don’t you know I can also kill you?” Osman ordered the recorder, “Write! The suspect confessed to giving food to the Gang. He is found guilty by our Court. He is saying that he did this because he was afraid of Sevket’s Gang; however, the suspect is known to be a dissident. He is against the National Forces and pro …”The man collapsed on his knees, he was begging. “It is clear from his actions….”

“Please, Commander, I beg you…Don’t you know how things are in the village? We are like slaves to the Beys. We can’t say no. We have to obey their orders.”

Osman said, “Take him away! Now!”

“On Judgement Day… God will…”The poor man was asking for help. “Please help me! Is there no one to help me? This man is killing me, Brothers!”

“Take him!”

The guards shoved the poor man down the stairs.

The last suspect came. He was a very tall Hodja with a big belly. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot. He was coming from Osman the Butcher’s jail, yet his clothes were clean, his turban was white. His coat was made of English material. His pants and shoes were new. He saluted the Judges calmly. He didn’t look scared. He showed no signs of fear. Colonel Osman looked at him from head to toe. He looked like he was disgusted by what he was seeing and he started to interrogate him, “What is your name?”

“Ziya Hodja.”

“What is your father’s name?”


How old are you?”


“Where are you from?
“My family is from Bursa originally, but I was born in Damascus.”

“Were you educated in a Madrasah?”


“Why are you here?”

“I was going to Bursa, my hometown.”

“Where are you coming from?”

“From Istanbul.”

“The road from Istanbul to Bursa doesn’t pass through Kirmasti!”

“I have family and friends here. I came to see them.”

“Who are your friends?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why you can’t tell me?”

“Because this is not a real court! You do as you please here. There is no Appeals Division either. I don’t want to drag anyone’s name into this. I don’t want my friends to get into trouble.”

“What were you talking about at the Coffee house in the Marketplace? You were talking about the Officers, weren’t you?”

“I was saying the same things as everyone else.”

“What do people say about the National Forces? Are they calling us ‘Traitors’?

“The National Forces are nothing but a bunch of Bashi-books. They are not real Officers! His Majesty, The Caliph, doesn’t want any more wars.”

“Do you think we want war, you bastard?”

“Don’t swear at someone who is handcuffed.”

“You are saying bad words as well.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You called us ‘Traitors’; that’s worse than swearing!”

The turbaned suspect didn’t look as confident as when he first entered the courtroom. He didn’t answer. Osman said, “Now you are silent. Now you understand. How come the Caliph forbids us from fighting the Greeks and he is not forbidding Muslims from fighting Muslims?”

“I don’t understand, Sir.”

“You don’t understand? We are fighting against all kinds of enemies here. As if it is not enough the Caliph is sending Anzavour to fight against us! You should be talking to Anzavour to tell him the orders of the Caliph.”

“Yes, of course. I will go to talk to him!”

“You are not going anywhere!” Colonel Osman ordered the Court Reporter, “Write: The suspect confessed to speaking against our war efforts. He is supporting Anzavour as well as the enemy armies that are invading our country. He is trying to spoil this Nation’s efforts to fight the enemy under these unfavorable circumstances and all the poverty we are facing. The suspect had another friend in Kirmasti who was helping him, however, he refused to reveal his identity to the court. He should be executed according to the relevant articles of the Military Criminal Code…”

The suspect protested, “No, you can’t hang me like that. You don’t have a right to. I need a lawyer…I will send a telegram to the War Office…”

“Shut up, now! You act like a priest supporting Greeks. Did Colonel Rahmi have any lawyers? You killed him. Did you send a telegram to the War Office for Colonel Rahmi?” Osman ordered the guards, “Take him away! Put him in jail. Tomorrow morning he will be executed! Throw his bones to the dogs. I don’t want to talk to him anymore. Take him away! I don’t want to see him!”

Colonel Osman signed the Court Order that was presented to him. He threw away his pen and wiped his hands on his trousers as if he had handled something dirty. He asked, “Anything else?”

The member of the Judiciary panel who was seated beside him, answered calmly, “No Commander! That’s all we have for today. Actually, we have three men who are deserters…”

“Yes, we will hang them tomorrow!” He stood up and lit a cigarette. “ That’s the way it is Captain Jamil. I see that you are surprised.”

Jamil answered, “A little.”

“If they didn’t murder Colonel Rahmi I wouldn’t have given the execution order for the man who gave food to the Gang. Now, let’s go and have a cup of coffee. Then tell me what the Division wants from me.”

When Colonel Osman learned that the Army Corps had issued an arrest warrant for him; his self-confidence evaporated. He asked Jamil twice, “Did they really say ‘hand-cuffed’? Are they really going to arrest me?” His eyes twitched. His hand was shaking as he was holding the coffee cup. Jamil understood that the reason behind Osman’s merciless behaviors was in fact, his profound sense of fear. He felt sorry for the man. Colonel Osman got ready to go to Bursa right away, even though he was not sure what to expect once he reached Bursa. He even accepted the condition that he was not going to be accompanied by his men during the trip. He left his responsibilities with the Regiment to the Captain in charge. When the man asked him when he was expected to return, he looked to Jamil for an answer. Jamil said without hesitation, “The Colonel will be back in four days, if not, he will send you a telegram.”

When the Captain left the room, Osman stood up and said to Jamil, “Let’s go.”

“Do you have enough money for the trip?”

“I have some. But just in case, I have to stay longer, let me get some more money. Is there any decision concerning me? Is there anything bad? Please just tell me. Can I trust you that you are not hiding anything from me?”

“Yes, of course, you can trust me. Bursa really doesn’t take the Army Corps seriously anyway. If you are ready we should be on our way now. Shall we go?”

“Shall we bring a couple of soldiers along? I can arrange …”

“No, it’s OK. We don’t need any soldiers to travel with us. We will try not to get ambushed. If we are going to get into a dangerous situation a couple of soldiers would not be enough to protect us anyway.”

“You are right.”

On their way out the army personnel jumped to their feet and saluted them. They were still fearful of Osman. Jamil was thinking that even though the Colonel was thinking that he was going to his death he was still capable of invoking fear in his men. The turmoil that the country was in had weird effects on people.

As Jamil was mounting his horse, a Lieutenant came running to bring a telegram to Jamil. It was from Bursa. Selahaddin used the secret code that only the two of them knew. He asked Osman’s permission to go upstairs and read the encrypted message.” Ankara has decided to attack the 12th Army Corps Commander Fahri in Konya. Demirji Efe will aid Refet Bey on this mission.”

Jamil ripped up the paper as usual. They were heading straight towards turmoil. Since they needed the help of warlords to defeat an Army Commander, they needed to think about the situation that they were in thoroughly.

Colonel Osman was looking at Jamil with suspicion. He asked Jamil what was going on. Jamil assured him that there was nothing to worry about and he jumped on his horse.

Jamil was preoccupied all the way to Bursa. He chain-smoked. The more he thought about it, the more the situation seemed complicated.









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